
Summer Reading List

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

I love to read, but that doesn't always mean I get to.  Before becoming a mom, I would read a heck ton of books within a month but now I am lucky to get to read a chapter in one book within a month.

While over the long July 4th weekend, I did borrow the digital book "The Girl on the Train" from my library and downloaded it on my Kindle.  My goal was to just get started reading it, but it was an immediate hook, line, and sinker and within three days, the book was done.  Every night, after Ryan was put down, I grabbed my glass of wine, pj's, and climbed in bed with the Kindle.  Not only did I enjoy reading again, but it was such a nice relaxing way to end the evenings.  I missed reading.

So, go figure, I have decided I am going to read several more books this summer and make reading my nightly "unwind" time.  Especially since I have a while before some of my favorite fall television shows return...

So here is the reading list goal:

one | two | three | four | five | six

Thanks to Pinterest, and rave reviews on all of these books from friends, these six books are my goal to finish by the fall.  I just borrowed the digital copy of "The Husband's Secret" so that is my start this week.  

If you want to read the synopsis on these books, just click on the corresponding numbers below the image.

Also, if you haven't checked it out yet and have a Kindle, check with your local library and see if they have a digital program that allows you to borrow library books from them on your Kindle.  I am so glad they are doing that now and that I don't have to purchase all of these books!

Do you have any summer favorites that you think should be added?  Or, just in general, any great book recommendation?

What are some of your personal summer goals?


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