
Toddler + Medicine = World War III

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dear Mary Poppins,

I would like to know the reason/science/method for "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down..." While I am sure you are very hands-on and kids love you, you have never met my kid. 

A spoon full of sugar does not help the medicine go down.  Neither do syringes, enticing him with sugar/sweets, approaching him like its fun, shooting it in the back of his throat, letting him play "doctor" and do it himself, feeding every single stuffed animal the meds so that he sees its a-okay.... NOTHING.  I thought I could rely on Google to provide solutions that work... nope.

Heck, I even took someone's advice to shoot it towards the back/side of their mouth and blow in their face... I wish I could have caught that on camera.  

Life lately

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

So, it's safe to say I broke my resolution to blog more consistently already. I never expected 2016 to start off with a huge explosion of life drama.  If you remember anything about my last post, within a month, my grandfather was diagnosed with progressive cancer, my mother-in-law's Lyme's Disease illness got much worse and she isn't doing well and my dad had a heart attack.  Right after I wrote that post, I then got a call that my dad's sister had a stroke.

I think my drama filled life would out perform any NBC, ABC, or CBS drama on TV right now. 

On top of that, my new job (since moving to Wilmington, NC, in October) has been excellent but very, very busy.  Balancing that fast-paced career and continuing my love for blogging has been a challenge this year.

A lot on my plate is an understatement.  

But, the blog is not going away... I am just continually learning to balance my time...always a work in progress.

Now, let's focus on the positives though... because there have been plenty.  And, I am sure you want to catch up, right?

Here have been some snapshots of the happy moments recently and I am going to try to caption them in three words or less, since I am sure you are over reading all of my text :)

Weekend Recap | When Life Throws A Cureball...

Monday, March 14, 2016

Happy Monday!  I am linking up with Katie for my weekend recap!

I never intentionally meant to be away this long.  But, life was getting the best of me.  Our family had been going through months up great highs and then it all stopped at a screeching halt and we got pummeled with bad news. 
  1. Towards the end of February, my Papa (grandpa) was diagnosed with cancer and the prognosis was not good.
  2. My mother-in-law's Lyme's disease symptoms were very bad and she had to live with us temporarily.
  3. On this past Friday morning, I got a call that my dad was rushed to the hospital and was having a heart attack.
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