
Survey Says: 24 weeks preggers

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Man is time flying by or what!  I am so excited that summer is over and fall is here.  Okay, yes the weather doesn't prove it yet buttt according to the calendar it is and I will take it!

So what does this mean???  well it just means that in just a tadddd over 3 months I can stop posting baby bumps and start posting baby pictures of my lil chief!  I can hardly stand it.  Russell and I have been talking about it a lot lately on how ready we are to meet him and hold him and be surrounded by cuteness galore!

This week was MUCH better than last week all the way around.  Did much happen?  Nope.  But hey, I didn't want anything (exciting or not) to happen.  We did have my glucose test and baby check up Monday.  Still don't know if I passed the test but pretty confident I did and little chief is doing very well and staying active in mommy's tummy.

We got the room finished painitng (touch ups, trim, etc) last weekend so the big project this weekend is to start putting the furniture together in the room!  I am pretty sure I have all my decorating ideas completed in my mind so now I need to start getting crafty and get to work.

Survey says...
Defintiely had a growth spurt or a
 "rounding" spurt.
Written Thursday, Sept. 26

How far along?: 24 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I have gained a whopping 0 lbs this week.  I think over the last 2 weeks I really had hit a growth spurt and with the stress I was under last week (and over indulging) I am happy that the gain is slowing (at least for this week.  Still only up 15lbs in 24 weeks.  Glad to know I am on track still with a healthy weight gain.

Maternity clothes?: I purchased some awesome fall clothes on sale at the Loft and Gap online during their fall sale and I can’t wait to get into them as comfort is now key and my non-preggo pants and shirts and not comfy any more. 

Sleep: On and off.  I am just having a hard time getting comfy and I am up at least 2-3 times to go to the bathroom.

Best moment of the week: Getting through last week and lots of lounge time around the house with my safe and sound hubby.

Movement: Lots!  Yesterday I zoned out at work and just stared at my belly for at least 5 – 10 minutes watching it bounce all over the place.  He’s a mover for sure!

Food Cravings:  My sweet tooth really picked up over the last week.  If it keeps up, I am in serious trouble. 

Gender: Little mister.

Belly Button: Ha!  What a joke.  It is barely in.  I am amazed at the ever changing belly button.

Stretchmarks?:  Nope and I keep buttering up with the lotion every morning and night to help.

What I miss:  Wine with my dinner.  Other than that, not a thing…I am just ready to meet him!

What I am looking forward to: Entering my 3rd trimester in just a few weeks.  I can’t believe how fast it is going by now.

Weekly Wisdom: Baby Ryan is the size of a cantaloupe! And he now has basic control of all his senses.

Milestones: No huge milestone this week.  I did my glucose screening this week and crossing fingers I passed just so that I don’t have to take the 3-hr test.  Pretty sure I did and not too worried about it.  Just don’t want to have to fast for the next test if I did fail.

Added section:

Workouts: My workouts had been on the back burner for the last 2 weeks with vacation and then Russell’s accident but I got back on the wagon Monday and now its full steam ahead.

                Friday- Rest with my hubby

                Saturday- Rest with my hubby

Sunday- Rest day and household chores (which felt like a workout)

Monday- 1 mile walk with Buddy + 40 minute walk on treadmill (brisk walk pace with moderate incline) + light weights (squats, shoulder press, push-ups, bicep curls, plie squats, lat raises).  Definitely felt it the next day….such a good feeling.

Tuesday- 1 mile walk with Buddy + 45 minute treadmill walk (alt between brisk walk and steep incline every 5 min.)

Wednesday- 30 min speed walk on treadmill

Thursday- 1 mile walk with Buddy + Pure Barre Prenatal DVD
Have a fantastic weekend!
XOXOX, Sherri

Turning over a new leaf

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I decided to do a post on something non-baby for all you readers just to spice things up a bit.  Don't worry, I will be back at my weekly bump post tomorrow but had a little down time today and decided to do a post.

Now that the Fall weather is creeping around the corner (which I am LOVING by the way), I started thinking of a list of things I want to try and change in my day to day routine.  So, here goes nothing!

1.  RELAX!  Since becoming pregnant, I feel like my mind has been going a mile a minute creating the "never ending list of everything I need to get done before Ryan gets here."  Over the last week I could tell I have been getting much more exhausted and so I thought, "why not try and give myself a 20-minute siesta every day?"  My daily goal is to relax (whether by napping or just sitting) for 20-minutes and actually enjoy it.  And yes, I do plan on keeping this up when baby is here. (napping when baby naps sounds p-r-etty good to me).

2.  READ MORE!  I used to be a big reader a while back, then reality tv happened and I became sucked into the ridiculous drama on tv and forgot what a book looked like.  I. Need. To. Get. My. Life. Back.  My new goal is to read most nights (even if only for 10-minutes) of the week before bed.  Obviously reading helps your memory, vocabulary, etc...and I DEFINITELY need that right now (preggo brain at its worst right over here!)  My first new read will be "Dad is fat" by comedian Jim Gaffigan. (Who said my reading needed to be serious!?) 

3.  GET MORE ZZZZ's!  Because of the fact that I am a reality tv addict (mentioned above) I stay up way too late to get entranced in some new show and it seriously cuts into my precious zzzz's.  I am not a great morning person and I am the type that requires 8 SOLID hours of sleep (I can admit this, and yes, I am in SERIOUS trouble when the baby comes).  I have found myself getting to sleep later and later every night to watch something on, solution??? = putting the book down (since that is a new goal) or cutting the tv off at a set time EVERY NIGHT, no matter what at a certain set hour, to ensure my 8-hrs are being met and I wake up not ready to kill the world.

4.  EAT MORE VEGGIES! So this pregnancy has left me with a MAJOR sweet tooth.  To compensate for it I have been eating TONS of fruit (which is good for ya) and some not so good for me treats (ice cream, chocolate, etc...).  While I have been eating my veggies at night with dinner, I used eat it with lunch or snacks.  Hence, the new goal!  I have to kick this sweet tooth (sugar overload) craving to the curb and shove some good ole veggies down me for little Ryan like I used to.  Don't worry, I do believe in "treating yourself" and will do so but in a more moderate manner.

5.  GET A GRIP ON MY TYPE-A!  For those of you who know me, I am Type-A.  I mean, seriously Type-A.  I over think EVERYTHING, I have to plan every piece of my life out and even feel like I have to plan my weekends.  Russell will tell you, I seriously don't know how to "fly by the seat of my pants."  From the above, I also feel like I need to be in control.  Granted, Russell and I have managed a very happy marriage around my craziness (he's the yin to my yang) and he is so polar opposite of me that it works.  But poor baby Ryan!  I really want to learn to be more chill like Russell, and just go with the flow.  If not, I have a feeling it will be a rough transition for me with the baby.  Obviously, I will learn quick that with a baby, nothing will go as planned sometimes and I want to me a-okay/used to that before he comes.  Solution= don't have one yet but I can tell it involves no planning :)

So, do you have any new "leaf" you are planning on turning over anytime soon?

XOXO, Sherri

Survey Says: 23 weeks preggers

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hi everyone!  Another week down.  And I think I can 150% say I am glad!  This past weekend I started my 23rd week on vacation in the OBX which was great but when we got back from the trip late Sunday, I felt like I needed a vacation from the vacation.
Who doesn't love a photobooth at a wedding?

And props?!

My beautiful family

Then on Tuesday I got the call that changed my whole week and made me thank God every day. 

Russell called me Tuesday at 2PM while I was at work.  He had been in a wreck in Texarkana, TX while on a work trip visit.  A diesel truck going 40mph slammed into Russell (who was going 60 mph on a highway) and hit Russ in his driver's side door.  The impact flipped Russell's car 4 times before landing upside down.  Russell was stuck in the car as both the driver and passenger side doors were all jammed so he kicked his way out through the windshield. 

I immediately lost it...MY HUSBAND...the FATHER of my unborn baby.  I couldn't control myself.  Even though Russell assured me he was not too badly injured I had to get there to be with him.  I left work, grabbed our dog, and drove 5 1/2 hours to get him from the ER.  FOURTUNATELY, Russell only has minor injuries.  He has bad whiplash, bruises on his entire left thigh (which took the most impact), seatbelt burn, and pulled groin muscles.  If that is all, I WILL TAKE IT.  Seeing the pictures of the car made me thank GOD for Russell's guardian angels as it could have been much worse. 

When I got to Russell I just ran up and hugged him for what seemed like eternity and didn't want to let go.  We stayed the night in TX and made our way back to TN Wednesday morning.  Russell is still sore but overall is functioning very well and we are very blessed. 

As you can see from the above, all of the past week has now offically caught up with me: no sleep, stress, and all.  I am ready for a break and to get the heck on away from this week.

My little family is back together and that is all that matters.  For everyone who said prayers for us, I want to THANK YOU. 

Survey says...
Written Thursday, Sept. 19

How far along?: 23 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Weighed myself yesterday and I was up 4lbs in 1 week.  I have hit a “growth spurt” lately as I have really rounded fast and mix that will vacation eating last week and sweet stress this week and it was a recipe for scale disaster.  I go back to the doc next week so I am just gonna go by their scale for a good look into my weight.  Not too worried because I am still on track.  My baby has just definitely grown!

Maternity clothes?:  50/50 still. 

Sleep: Not so good lately.  Didn’t get to sleep in while on vacation because the room let in bright sunlight really early and with Russell’s wreck, I was all over the place emotionally so I didn’t get to sleep.

Best moment of the week: Looking my husband in the eyes and giving him a hug as soon as I got to Texas to be with him after the accident.  Keeping my little family safe is all that matters to me in the world.

 Movement: Lots, he gets stronger by the day.  He is also right under my right ribs which makes his movement semi-unenjoyable.

Food Cravings: Over the last couple days I have had a small craving for chocolate.  Or was that the stress craving it?

Gender: Handsome baby boy.

Belly Button: Barely in.  I give it just a few weeks more before it is completely flat and starts protruding out.

Stretchmarks?:  None yet.

What I miss:  Nothing.  I have a safe husband whom I adore and a healthy growing baby and puppy.  All.  I.  Need.

What I am looking forward to: Next week’s visit to check up on Ryan.

Weekly Wisdom: Baby Ryan is the size of a grapefruit!  His face is now fully formed and all is needs is a little fat on those cheeks J  He is also hearing everything on the outside so there is lots of talking to my baby boy so he knows his momma and daddy J

Milestones: The week being over! 

Excuse the "exhausted, I just got off a plane look"

XOXOX, Sherri

Survey Says: 22 weeks preggers

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yes I know, I am posting 1 day early but Russell and I hop on a flight tonight heading to the OBX for a long weekend to see family and celebrate Russell's BFF's wedding.  I haven't seen my mom since XMAS and it has been so long now since I have seen the East Coast that I NEED IT.

To keep this week short and sweet, here is my weekly update!  (Pics from this weekend will be posted next week!)

Survey says...

Written Wednesday, Sept. 11

How far along?: 22 weeks and 5 days

Total weight gain/loss: So since I didn’t weigh myself last week I made sure I did this week.  So the scale says I have gained 3lbs in 2 weeks…averaging 1.5lb a week.  Not horrible but I would love for it to be 1lb and not 1.5 as week.  I know its no big deal and honestly as long as my baby is healthy I will be a happy momma but lets face it…it will be nice not to have toooo much extra/unnecessary to lose.  So in 22 weeks I am up 11lbs.

Maternity clothes?:  I am finding it more and more uncomfortable to wear the pre-preggo clothes I was able to get use out of.  I know serious shopping is in my future because HOLY BOOBS I am even busting out of shirts now that I thought would last me til the end.

Sleep:  Like a baby but Ryan is starting to kick A LOT right when I try to go to bed so I am hitting the hay a bit later than I would like.

Best moment of the week: Finally being able to eat at Bonefish and it NOT make me gag.  Seriously, I think that really made Russell’s week too. (Since it is by far his favorite place to eat on EARTH)

Movement: Tons of it!  Baby boy is a mover and a shaker…I hope he inherits my sweet dance moves.

Food Cravings: I know this sounds a little crazy but I discovered an amazing sandwich that I am now making all the time.  It’s a grilled cheese with tomato, avocado, and a few slices of crispy bacon!  Yum !!

Gender: Little dude.

Belly Button: Ha, it is BARELY hanging in there.  I had lots of belly growth this past week and I don’t think I will have an innie much longer.

Stretchmarks?:  Still no (thank goodness)

What I miss:  Not a thing!  This experience, although sometimes uncomfortable, is amazing.

What I am looking forward to: We are heading to the OBX tonight through Sunday for Russell’s BFF’s wedding and get to see SO MUCH FAMILY while we are there.  I haven’t seen my mom since Christmas so it will be like XMAS morning all over again for me… Can’t wait to see her and for her to meet baby Ryan’s kicks and punches.

Weekly Wisdom: Ryan is the size of a spaghetti squash and weighing a whopping 1LB!  Grow baby grow!   His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.

Milestones:   No real milestone unless you count BARELY fitting into any non-maternity any more. 

Have a great weekend!
XOXO, Sherri

Survey Says: 21 weeks preggers

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Another one down for the books folks!  Ahhh!  I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it (que music).

Had an excellent week this week thanks in LARGE part to our ah-mazing Notre Dame trip.  Russell and his dad were like 2 kids in a candy store and I absolutely enjoyed getting to see the campus, getting Ryan some baby gear, and watching Notre Dame STOMP the Temple Owls. duh!

I mean how amazing was this weekend:

1.  Tour Notre Dame Campus
2.  By Ryan AWESOME baby gear
3.  Attend Pep Rally
4.  Catching the players march to the field and get great close up shots (while the guys walked alllll the way back to the car because they forgot the tickets...yes, this happened)
5.  And watching a WIN for good ole Notre Dame

Why yes, this does sound like an excellent weekend.

Here is my recap of the weekend in pics:

2 Kids in a Candy Store
Baby Ryan's "Fightin Irish Rookie" Onesie

Russ at the practice field

Game Time!

Right before the game started....the rain juuuust stopped

Right before the guys realized the left the tickets in the
I stayed behind and got to catch the players march to the
stadium! Lucky me :)

Now on to the survey:

Written Thursday, Sept. 5
How far along?: 21 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: With the trip to Notre Dame we had this long Labor Day weekend, I totally forgot to weigh myself.  But I did overindulge (as anyone should on vacay) so maybe I don’t want to see the scale…  I will try back next week and cringe.

Maternity clothes?:   Still yes and no. 

Sleep: I have been having very nice deep sleeps, I could just use a few more hours of it.

Best moment of the week:  Getting all of Ryan’s nursery furniture.  Target had a HUGE Labor Day sale and thanks to a wonderful gift from Russell’s mom and dad, we were able to get my crib, dresser, rocker, and mattress.  Now we just have to put it all together…

Movement:  Ryan is a kicking fool!  He is moving constantly!

Food Cravings: Tuesday and Wednesday I was craving a flavorful salad and soup.  Other than that, no crazy cravings.

Gender: little dude

Belly Button: Still in

Stretchmarks?:  Nope

What I miss:  A glass of wine here and there but I am enjoying the fact that I will see my baby boy in just 4 months.

What I am looking forward to: Another short week next week since we are flying to OBX on 9/11 for a long weekend to celebrate Russell’s friend getting married.

Weekly Wisdom: Baby is the size of a pomegranate.  Little Ryan has eyelashes and eyebrows and if he is going to have a head full of hair when he is born, that is starting to show too J  I am hoping for a head full of hair!

Milestones:  Finally being recognized by strangers as being pregnant! 

Have a great weekend!
XOXOX, Sherri

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