
Is it hot outside or is it just me?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Is it bad that I am wishing the rest of the summer away and ready for fall?  For what seems like never ending weeks, it has been 100+ every day and we have been on a heat advisory.  It is not enjoyable at all.

I was watching the weather report this morning and this popped up.
Source: Business Insider
Okay, so maybe it didn't...but my mind was thinking it.

The worst is when you take a shower, get ready for work, and then go outside to get in your car and realize sweat is just rolling off of you. 

And since we still have a couple more months of this nonsense here in Memphis (Farmers Almanac says we will be having a abnormally hot late summer), I somehow need to just suck up the fact that:

1.  This isn't going away anytime soon, so stop complaining
2.  Sweat does not make me glisten
3.  I can't help but question if I just peed myself or is that sweat running down my legs when I am on the treadmill.  (If you're a super sweaty person when you workout, you will get this.)

I did catch myself thinking about all the things I am looking forward to for the fall.  Here are my favorites:

NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL (you know I had to put that up here)

PUMPKIN SPICED LATTES (but let's be real, pumpkin spiced lattes will start well before Memphis gets cooler...but it's my sign that we're getting closer )

NOT SHAVING (legs) often, ahhaha.  Oh you know you think this too!


FALL FAMILY PHOTOS (I love the fall background in photos)

Flashback :(


And now, I must go back to the reality that my makeup is melting off my face and not one makeup setting spray can beat this humidity.  Gross.  Just plain gross.


So, what's your favorite thing about fall?

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