
Survey Says: 36 weeks preggers

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ahhh!  I can't believe I will be 37 weeks tomorrow (Friday) and have only 3 weeks left.  Am I nervous? Nope.  Am I excited??  Ummm, yeah! Duh!

Baby Ryan's car seat is installed and his diaper bag and my bag are packed and ready to go.  Russell has finished traveling until after he is born so our little family is ready when Ryan is :) 

I went to the doc on Tuesday (at 36 1/2 weeks) and I am 50% effaced, 1cm dilated, and she can feel his head.  Since the check, I have really been feeling more irregular contractions and had a little bit of a "bloody show" (sorry if that is TMI) and my swelling is like Whoa!

The doc says that because I am so short and he is so low, he is pushing and putting a lot of pressure on my lower extremities and it caused me to gain almost 6lbs of fluid in 1 week.  So THIS MOMMA now has to prop my feet up at work and home.  Ryan will NOT hurt my feelings at all if he wants to come before his due date becuase this momma is uncomfortable.  The only thing that feels good is wearing Russell's shirts and sweats and my house slippers.  I have no ankles and am proudly representing the cankle society at this point.

There are bets at work that I will have this baby in the next 2 weeks which would only put him 1 week before his due date and make him a possible New Year we shall see. 

This weekened Russell and I will be RELAXING since it hurts to walk anymore so I really don't want to have to do any more errands than need be.  I will have to clean the house a little as my in-laws will be coming in for XMAS and be here all next week so I do need to have my house a little ready for guests. 

With that said, I go back to the doc on Monday for another check and I am anxious to see if there is anymore progression :)

Have a great weekend everybody!  And let the countdown begin!

XOXO, Sherri

Survey says...
Written Thursday, December 19

How far along?: 36 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I have officially decided to stop weighing myself.  I went to the doc on Tuesday and the baby is so low and with be being so short, he is pressing down on me and causing me to retain a lot of fluid at this point.  I gained 6lbs of fluid in 1 week and now I am having to wear compression stockings to help with my ankles and feet.  I look like a puffer fish.  I am having to keep my legs propped up when I sleep and when I am at work to ease the swelling.  It is really starting to hurt when I walk.  Fingers crossed this baby comes soon…

Maternity clothes?: I am so swollen that even my work maternity clothes feel constricting.  Ugh.

Sleep: Russell has officially stopped traveling until after the baby is born.  That in itself has really released a LOT of anxiety I had going on.  Having help around the house and knowing he will be here has helped me sleep just a little more.

Best moment of the week:  Finding out I am 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated at 36 weeks.  He is also head down and low, the doc could feel his little head.  I also had a little bit of a “bloody show” (sorry for the TMI) so I am glad to know I am progressing right along.  Doc didn’t think, since I am already dilated, that I would be “late.”  But who knows…

Movement: Not as much.  It seems he is settling a bit and gearing up.

Food Cravings: Still MILK.  I woke up 1 morning this week and drank 6 glasses of milk like it was nothing.  I am a little obsessed.  But hey at least I am getting my calcium and vitamin D in. 

Gender:  Boy!

Belly Button: Extremely flat and a tiny little protrude.

Stretchmarks?:  No new ones.  Just a small few on the milk maids.

What I miss:  Hard workouts, cute normal clothes, and wine.

What I am looking forward to: Meeting Ryan!  I am ready.

Weekly Wisdom: Ryan is the size of a honeydew melon!  His circulation and immune system is basically good to go now and his skin is smoothing out ready to make his grand debut.  Eeeek!

Milestones: My progression!  Read the above “best moment of the week.”

Workouts: Not pushing myself anymore, especially since it hurts to walk.  I am going to still try and walk a little to see if that makes my swelling feel better but I am so exhausted now that I don’t know if that will really happen.  I am going to stop posting my workouts now since they are hit and miss due to swelling and the discomfort.

Survey says: 35 weeks preggers

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bye Bye 35, hellooooo 36 weeks!  This girl is getting pretty freaking excited!  I am officially "ready" to have this baby!  Sure, I would love him to bake until his due date but lets be body is telling me "get him out!"

A few people at work this week have noticed a little drop in my belly but what have I noticed??  Oh just the official insomnia, extreme bladder pressure, and menstrual like cramps that have been on and off for days.  I can tell he is lower, especially when I am walking around as it feels like he is about to pop out!  I go back to the doc for my weekly visits now, starting Tuesday, and I can't wait to see if I have dilated at all or effaced.  Based on the cramping, I hope so.

This weekend kicks off the work/friends XMAS parties and a little XMAS shopping.  We have done ZERO shopping for family so this is the only weekend to do it because lets be real, there is only 1 more weekend after this for XMAS shopping and I don't want to fight those crowds.  Russ and I aren't doing any exchanges as we gifted ourselves with a nice "mom" camera for XMAS and a push present.  So at least we don't have to pick up a lot of items.  Just some for the parental units.

Have a great weekend everyone! 

XOXOX, Sherri
Cutest pic ever.  Our little Buddy checking
out the neighborhood :)

Survey says...
Written Thursday, December 12

How far along?: 35 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: So relieved to see only a 1 lb gain.  It’s about time.

Maternity clothes?: All the time.  Maternity leggings are heaven.

Sleep: What is sleep?  Haven’t heard of it….  Yep, I have officially hit the “I am uncomfortable 120% of the time” and can’t get quality sleep to save my life.  Gone are the days of good ole sleep.  I guess I won’t rekindle that relationship like EVER again.

Best moment of the week: A few people noticing I have dropped some!  Yay!  Progression is a good sign. 
This was taken last weekend.  I have
dropped a little since then.

Movement: TONS.  He is absolutely crazy in there. 

Food Cravings: Still Milk.  Can’t stop. Won’t stop.

Gender:  Boy!

Belly Button: Half flat/half out. 

Stretchmarks?:  On my chest…. Getting prepared for the feedings.

What I miss:  Sleep.

What I am looking forward to: Having him!  As much as I have, overall, had an easy pregnancy, I am starting to get signs that things are progressing towards delivery.  With him dropping some and lots of menstrual like cramps on and off every day for a week now, I can’t wait to see if I have dilated on my next appt on the 17th

Weekly Wisdom: Ryan is now the size of a coconut and he is fattening up to make his grand debut.

Milestones:  Now in the 4 week countdown and Russell has officially stopped traveling until Ryan arrives.  Yay for having my hubby around as we hunker down and wait.

Workouts:  No longer have the stamina to make it past 30 minutes on the treadmill before cramps start kicking in.  Sign my body needs more rest to prepare for meeting my little man.

             Friday- Rest

Saturday-30min walk-hill intervals

Sunday- Rest

Monday- 30min walk-hill intervals

Tuesday- Rest

Wednesday- 30min walk-hill intervals

Thursday- 30min walk-hill intervals

Survey Says: 34 weeks preggers

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I hope everyone had a superb week!  Crazy that another week has flown by and I will be 35 weeks tomorrow....INSANE!

This week has been quite interesting for me.  While work has been slow (which is nice), I have officially encountered the swollen weeks of my least I know the end is near.  I no longer have ankles and am really trying to embrace the new cankles I have.  My feet barely fit in my shoes and I have considered sneaking in my bedroom slippers to work.   My wedding ring also does not fit anymore.  With 5 weeks left to go, I am praying the swelling does not get worse or I feel I may look like a circus freak.  I might just start charging people $0.50 to look at me.

Also, when and if you get to talk to my husband soon, will you tell him its REALLY rude to look at your wife and tell her she looks like a defensive lineman!  This seriously happened as soon as he got home last night from traveling for a few days for work and I quickly asked him if he could pack his bags and get back on the road.

We have a bad ice storm heading our way tomorrow lasting several days so our baby class may be cancelled and this lil momma, or shall I say defensive lineman, will be hibernating like the bear I am on the couch surrounded by our Christmas decorations, a nice fire, cozy blanket, and mean husband :)

....wish me luck on that.

Have a fantabulous weekend!

XOXOX, Sherri

Survey says...
Written Thursday, December 5
How far along?: 34 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Ugh!  I really retained a lot of fluid on my trip home and the scale showed it. In 2 weeks I gained 5.4lbs.  I partially blame my Thanksgiving dinners and delicious baby shower cake for that.  Total is 33.9lbs.  I am also holding A LOT of water and the swelling is starting to take over.  My shoes barely fit and my wedding ring is a no go.  I know I will lose a lot of the weight gained after birth due to water retention so I am not really worried and trust that I will get back into shape as soon as my body allows.  But with 5 weeks left, I am curious how the weight gain goes from here on out.

Maternity clothes?: All the time.             

Sleep: 50/50.  I wish it was great but Ryan is really pressing on the bladder now.  Russell was AMAZED Monday night when I got up to pee 4 times in 1 hour.  No. Joke. 
Best moment of the week:  Getting through the week.  On Monday my grandmother (mom’s mom) was diagnosed with lung cancer and then we were told 30 minutes later that Russell’s uncle has very bad heart failure and there are really no options for him but to make him comfortable as long as possible.  There were lots of tears, questions, and little sleep.  Please keep our families in your thoughts and prayers as we sure need them.

Movement: Jabs, jabs, and more jabs at his momma.  Some can get pretty intense.

Food Cravings: Nothing strong. 

Gender:  Boy!

Belly Button: Starting to pucker out.  I am sad.

Stretchmarks?:  On the boobs.

What I miss:  Easy mobility.

What I am looking forward to: Our baby class at the hospital this weekend.  I am so excited to see how Russell is during the class.

Weekly Wisdom: Ryan is the size of a butternut squash and he is making SHARP jabs at his momma all the time now.

Milestones: Babe is one step closer to his due date.  5 more weeks!


              Friday- Rest

Saturday-Travel back to TN Day

Sunday- Rest

Monday- Rest

Tuesday- 1 hr treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.

Wednesday- 30 min treadmill   

Thursday-  Pure Barre DVD

Survey Says: 33 weeks preggers

Monday, December 2, 2013

Sorry for the late post folks!  Being on vacation all last week left me MIA and I needed some rest this weekend.  The post this week will be short and goes nothin!

XOXO, Sherri

Survey says...
Written Thursday, Nov. 28

How far along?: 33 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Since I was gone this week and stuffing my face in Thanksgiving and baby shower treats, I decided not to weigh myself.  Check back with me next week as I cringe at the numbers.

Maternity clothes?: Always and forever (well, maybe not forever…more like 6 more weeks)

Sleep: Not so good since we were on the road traveling.  I missed my bed, space, and preggo pillow.

Best moment of the week:  Our sweet baby shower and seeing family and friends for the first time in 11 months since our move!  We are so thankful for so many wonderful people in our lives and baby Ryan is so loved and blessed already!  The next time everyone will see us, Ryan will be with us….and that is exciting in itself!

I really miss my friends!
Movement: TONS.  He is absolutely crazy in there. 

Food Cravings: Nothing specific.

Gender:  Boy!

Belly Button: Flattie

Stretchmarks?:  On my chest…. Getting prepared for the feedings.

What I miss:  Breathing easy.  I feel out of breath all the time.

What I am looking forward to: We have our baby class at the hospital all day Saturday (12/7).  I am looking forward to seeing how Russell handles all of the delivery information …hahahaha

Weekly Wisdom: Baby is the size of a durian fruit (whatever that is!)  He is keeping his eyes open while he is awake and starting to coordinate breathing while sucking and swallowing.  I CAN’T WAIT TO MEET HIM!

Milestones: 6 more weeks…EEEEEEEK!

Workouts: None!  I took the week off and just focused on seeing family and friends and having a TRUE vacation of lounging and relaxing.  I felt I deserved it.


Survey Says: 32 weeks preggers

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hi everyone!  Can you believe we only have 7 more weeks left before this blog goes from a pregnancy progress report to sharing photos of my handsome little boy and our life together as a family of 4 (this is including our fur baby Buddy). 

I am bursting with excitement as we get so close and I am finding myself more and more anxious for the day to finally arrive. 

Tomorrow we start the trek back home for a week for Thanksgiving.  It has been 11 months since I have been back and it will be so nice to reunite with my family and friends one last time before baby Ryan starts making the trips back home.  As much as I am excited, I know it will be a lot of running around making sure we get to see everyone so I am slightly nervous on how well I will do.  I get exhausted just thinking about it.  I feel blessed to have had a relatively easy pregnancy but this week the waddling, exhaustion, back pain, and more rib pain really hit me.  (All of the non-glamours aspects of pregnancy).  I know shuffling around will take its toll on me but I am hoping it won't be too bad and that everyone will forgive me for falling asleep on their couch while visiting them :)

This past weekend we did our maternity shoot and I am so happy at some of the proofs I have seen so far.  I took a risk and did a few bare belly shots and I think they turned out very beautifully and classy.  I know a lot of people feel weird at seeing a bare belly but they way I look at it is that if someone can post a bikini photo then I am going to embrace my beautiful belly and show everyone that side of pregnancy. 

 We also finished hanging all of our wall stuff in Ryan's nursery. His room will be 100% finished once his bedding arrives next week!

I am warning you that my post will be a few days late next week since I will be out of town so just bare with me :)  More than likely I will post it next Sunday.  Until then my friends, have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and soak of every minute with your families.  I know I will!

XOXOX, Sherri

Survey says...
Written Thursday, Nov. 21

How far along?: 32 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Up another 2lbs.  To the people who all say you usually gain 1lb per week, I want to punch you, ha! Right now my average is 2 a week and I am not overloading/overeating at all.  Sure I am eating a little more sweets than I would pre-preggo but nothing that would make me go crazy weight gain.  I am starting to see a little more water retention though and I think that has a lot to do with it.   Total = 28.5.   ba-humbug.

Maternity clothes?: Ummm, yes.  I am large and in charge right now.  Too bad I can’t wear leggings and a t-shirt to work. 

Sleep: Surprisingly well but I am requiring more hours/ZZZ’s.

Best moment of the week: Getting through the week so that I can FINALLY head home to VA for the first time in 11 months to visit with our family and friends.  Now if only our 12-hour car ride will fly by….
Movement: All over the place.   Went to the doc on Monday and she said he has pushed another section of my rib cage out a little causing some bruising again.  The 12-hr car ride home on Saturday for Thanksgiving vacation is going to be fun…Yippee…

Food Cravings: Milk! And Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches
Gender:  Boy!
Belly Button: Russell actually laughed at my belly button (or lack there of this week).  Still VERY flat and starting to look like it might make the move as an outie soon.

Stretchmarks?:  None

What I miss:  Sleeping on my stomach and no bruised ribs.

What I am looking forward to:  Heading home Saturday for a week for our baby shower and Thanksgiving.  After that, I am forbidden to travel the month of December.

Weekly Wisdom: Little man is averaging close to 4lbs and is gaining approximately .5lb a week and the size of a squash.

Milestones: I have officially reached the “waddle.” 
             Friday- Rest
Saturday-30 min VERY STEEP incline interval + light weights working (arm, shoulder, legs, booty)
Sunday- Rest
Monday- 45min. treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.
Tuesday- 30min treadmill workout
Wednesday- 45min. treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.
Thursday-  30 min walk on treadmill

Survey says: 31 weeks preggers

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Another one bites the dust!  (Que music!)  With week 31 behind us, we have 8 weeks left.  I can't tell you how ready/excited I am.  Am I nervous about delivery??  NO.  Am I apprehensive on how my life will change with a newborn??  NO.  So what am I feeling??  PURE EXCITEMENT! 

I seriously am like a kid at Disney World right now as his arrival quickly approaches.  I can't wait to see how Russell handles the delivery and him hold our beautiful baby boy.    I know he is going to be an amazing dad and we will be great parents and a great family together. 

As we have 8 weeks left, I do feel myself drastically slowing down though.  I am 100% exhausted after being at work all day and its hard to find my energy to workout now.  I know thats par for the course now and I am okay with that.  What I am NOT okay with is the fact that little Ryan has decided to move BACK under my ribs and they are so sore all day/every day.  They are so sore that it hurts to touch my ribs and hard to breathe.  Oh my little man, quit being a pain in your momma's side this early on in our life together!

Russ and I have some exciting events coming up in the next few weekends and I can't wait!

  1. Maternity photo shoot this Saturday
  2. Going home for Thanksgiving for a WHOLE WEEK from 11/23 - 11/30
  3. Baby Shower while home
  4. Baby class at the hospital on 12/7
I am like a giddy kid eager to see how Russell handles the class and then our actual delivery.  He won't let me talk about it alot as he finds it all kinda gross...ahahhaa.  Men have it so easy and yet, they can barely handle it!

Here is to another week down and only a few more left!  Have a great weekend,


Survey says...
Written Thursday, Nov. 14

How far along?: 31 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Up 1.8, now totaling 26.5…woof.

Maternity clothes?: 97% of time.  Only things I manage to still squeeze into that are non-maternity are a few tank tops or cardigans.

Sleep: Honestly, pretty good.  I have gotten used to getting up to pee multiple times.  But done are the days of me sleeping in.  Every weekend I am surprising myself on how early I am waking.

Best moment of the week:  Getting more of Ryan’s nursery décor in the mail.  We are ALMOST finished.

Movement: TONS.  Little squirt moves like a crazy man, and the jabs are definitely getting stronger and some are even painful.  He moved away from my ribs for a few weeks but apparently he loves that spot and has moved back.  So mama = in more pain.

Food Cravings: Sautéed spinach (which definitely isn’t a bad thing).  Still have a sweet tooth but I am trying hard to keep that under control

Gender: Crazy man

Belly Button: Flattie

Stretchmarks?:  Still not seeing any.  Fingers are still crossed.

What I miss:  Not much.  Although for over a month now I am constantly congested and now for the past week I have had a nosebleed every night.   I read that it is normal but I am still gonna ask the doc on Monday when I go back.  Oh and another thing I miss…my boobs not leaking (I know, TMI) BUT seriously????

What I am looking forward to: Normal pre-maternity clothes, maternity photo shoot this weekend, and heading home to see family and friends for a WHOLE WEEK on the 23rd!

Weekly Wisdom: Ryan is the size of a pineapple and is going through major brain and nerve development so he can be a smarty pants!

Milestones: 8 weeks left now!


             Friday- Rest

Saturday-1 hr treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.

Sunday- 15 min. dog  walk + Pure Barre DVD

Monday- Rest

Tuesday- 1 hr treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.

Wednesday- Rest day.  I needed it bad.  Absolutely exhausted.

Thursday-  30 min VERY STEEP incline interval + Pure Barre DVD

Survey Says: 30 weeks preggers AND EXHAUSTED

Friday, November 8, 2013

Hi folks! 

I know I am a day overdue on the post but work has been busy and this lil mamma has been exhausted.  The extreme exhaustion has set in for these last 9 weeks (yes!  I can't believe we are in a single digit countdown!).  When I get home in the evenings it is everything I can do to just put some shoes on and workout so my workouts haven't been as frequent and have hit the every other day schedule. 

My body is getting sore and tired after each workout now and it needs a day of rest in between.  Shoot by 6 PM I just want to sleep.  Oh and I can't see my toes, see my legs when I shave (if I even shave, ha!), and grunt like a ole man every time I get up and down from a seat.  Yep, its that time in my pregnancy. 

I have a long weekend starting today thanks to being off Monday for Veterans Day and I need it!  I hope everyone has a great week next week!

XOXO, Sherri

Survey says...

30 weeks and Buddy wanted to get in the shot
Written Thursday, Nov. 7

How far along?: 30 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Since I didn’t have a “gain” last week of course I am up 2.5 this week (well I am sure the Halloween candy helped)  I allowed myself PLENTY of treats this past week annnnd it showed.  Sorry I am not sorry.  Total = 24.7

Maternity clothes?:  Of course.  Even my t-shirts are a joke.  I am gonna start stealing Russell’s for when I lounge around and work out.

Sleep: Hit and miss.  I am going through a ton of hot spells lately so its hard to keep me regulated.

Best moment of the week: Ryan has been a major flipper lately and Russell got to feel some strong moves from him. 

Movement: See above.  I think my son is already trying to shove his way out of there.

Food Cravings: MILK!  Oh, and chocolate.  I think Halloween opened up a whole new can of worms on my sweets craving.  Ugh.

Gender:  b.o.y

Belly Button: Still flat

Stretchmarks?:  Not yet.  I think it was just a shadow last week, cuz momma doesn’t see it this week. (Annd, I have been looking realllly hard)

What I miss:  Not having to pee every 2 seconds.  Part of Ryan is so low that every time I stand up or walk around I swear he has one leg out the door down there.  We went to the store this weekend and I had to go to the bathroom 5 times (no lie).  Russell was a little frustrated.  And because he is low, my waddle has started.

What I am looking forward to: Maternity photos on 11/16 and going home in 3 weeks for a whole week!

Weekly Wisdom: Baby Ryan is the size of a cucumber (In length at least) because he is plumping on up and is anywhere from 2.5 – 3.8lbs in weight.  Grow baby grow!

Milestones: We are down to a single digit COUNTDOWN!  Now only 9 weeks to go.


             Friday- Rest

Saturday-1 hr treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.

Sunday- Rest

Monday- 1hr. pure barre and 30min. walking

Tuesday- Rest  

Wednesday- 1 hr. cardio (hill intervals)

Thursday-  Rest

Survey Says: 29 weeks preggers

Friday, November 1, 2013

Okay, so I know I am a day late but I usually post these while at work and I have been SLAMMED all week.  Then, my abundance (ha! who am I kidding) lack of sleep does not allow me to get on a computer in the evenings...I just want to crash.

Russ and I got a great start on our nursery this past weekend and only need a few minor things to finish....Well aside from the bedding.


Survey says...
Written Thursday, Oct. 31

How far along?: 29 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss:  Up only .2lbs making me breathe a little easier knowing I am not rapidly gaining weight like a ball rapidly gains speed downhill.  Up only 22.2 with now only 10 weeks to go.

Maternity clothes?: Ummmm yes. 95% and the random 5% non maternity makes me look ridiculous (so I wear that in the house to sleep)

Sleep: Hit and miss.  Those days of great sleep are numbered.

Best moment of the week: Nothing too special for the week.  Just a  normal week.

Movement:  Sooo much!  He is a crazy man!

Food Cravings: Milk

Gender: Little man

Belly Button: Flattie.  I was thinking it was going to poke out soon but now I think it just may stay flat the whole time. 

Stretchmarks?:  I thought I saw a little forming but didn’t know if it was a shadow or something… look, it was like 6 AM and I was tired when I glanced.  Don’t judge me.

What I miss:  Having more clothing options.

What I am looking forward to: Three weeks until we head home to see family for Thanksgiving and 2 weeks away from our maternity photo shoot.

Weekly Wisdom: Baby Ryan is the size of an acorn squash and is chunking out.

Milestones: Now I am 10 weeks away!!


             Friday- Rest

Saturday-1 hr treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.

Sunday- 15 min. dog  walk + Pure Barre DVD + 15 minute treadmill fast walk

Monday- Rest

Tuesday- 1 hr treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.

Wednesday- Rest day.  I needed it bad.

Thursday-  30 min inclinewalk + light weights working (arm, shoulder, legs, booty)

Survey Says: 28 weeks preggers

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hi everyone!

I am on a SERIOUS countdown mode.  Tomorrow I am 29 weeks and its an 11 week countdown (whoop whoop)!

This week was crazy busy at work and I must be going through a growth spurt as well because I have been EXHAUSTED, the scale jumped a little too much, and lots of round ligament pain.  Oh and my son is trying to kill me from the inside out.  I went to the doc for my monthly checkup and asked her about my excruciating rib cage pain I have been having for a couple weeks on my right side.  She checked, and since the baby is nestled up there he is also getting stronger kicks and is pushing my rib cage out.  Yep, thats right, becuase I am so short and not a long torso, he is so close to the cage that he is pushing it out.  It completely makes sense since I cannot sit, stand, or walk comfortably anymore. 

I am going to try to go to the chiropractor (per doc's recommendations) to see if an adjustment will work and maybe move him a bit.  I. am. all. for. it. 

Good news of the week is that I am now going to the doc every 2 weeks and I am loving it simply because I am closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Russ and I have made major progress to Ryan's room and I can't wait to share the pics with everyone soon :)

Have a great weekend!
XOXO, Sherri

Survey says...
Written Thursday, Oct. 24

How far along?: 28 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Another 2lb-er this week putting me at 22lb.  Talked to my doc this week at my visit at my 2lb/wk gain lately and I am still on track and just hit another spurt of growth with the nugget.  I am still trying to eat a healthy and balanced diet with exercise so I am not doing anything wrong…not too worried about it since I am still at a average and healthy number for my pre-preg size.

Maternity clothes?:  95% of time.

Sleep: Getting sleep just not lots of quality.  Too many pee breaks.

Best moment of the week:  Monday night I was lying in bed and Ryan starting moving like a maniac…I looked down and saw an outline of a little foot print when he did a huge push.  I was in awe of this little being inside me!

Movement: Constant.  But it is all up under my rib cage which has led to a lot of pain for me.  I talked to the doc about it and she felt around.  Sure enough, he is under my right ribs and because I am so short, he is actually pushing my rib cage out a little which is causing the pain.  I hate to wish the next 12 weeks away but for the sake of this pain….ummmm, yeah.     

Food Cravings: Still have a little sweet tooth but no strong cravings.

Gender: Little king.

Belly Button:  Flattie…still

Stretchmarks?:  None…yet.

What I miss:  My rib cage not in sharp pain??

What I am looking forward to: Meeting this soccer player I have in my belly

Weekly Wisdom: Baby Ryan is the size of an eggplant and at this point everything is just maturing and he is getting more fat on him.

Milestones: Entered the third/FINAL trimester! And now on a every 2 week doc visit.


Friday- Rest

Saturday- 1 hr treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.

Sunday- Rest

Monday- 1hr. Pure Barre Prenatal DVD and 30 min. small hill interval on treadmill

Tuesday- Rest

Wednesday- 1 hr treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.

Thursday- 1hr. Pure Barre Prenatal DVD and 30 min. small hill interval on treadmill

Survey Says: 27 weeks preggers

Thursday, October 17, 2013

This is it folks!  The time I have been waiting for.... As of tomorrow (Friday 10/18) I am in the THIRD and FINAL trimester!  Woohoo!  I am so excited I can barely stand it.  To think that I am just 12 weeks shy (if not sooner) of holding my baby boy!  I hate to wish my pregnancy away but it is so hard not to when you are so close.

This past week was an interesting week for me:
  1. My heart burn stepped up a notch.  And I mean a painful "I am always on fire" notch.  They say if you have a lot of heartburn, then your baby will have a head full of hair.  Man I hope so!
  2. I need a walker...or at least a masuess to follow me 24/7.  This week my back pain (mostly upper back/rib cage) decided to rear its ugly head.  I am feeling it everyday and it likes to start early in the evening and not let up until I fall asleep.  Sitting up doesn't help and laying down doesn't help.  No. use.
  3. Sleep.. what is that?  I may dose off but there is no quality to it.  Oh and I need to buy stock in toilet paper...seriously peeing non stop.  Welcome to the 3rd trimester.

As you can see from the above, the uncomfortable parts of baby brewing has started.  I am optimistic though, especially knowing I am very close to all of that being over.

Russ and I still have no big plans in the coming weekends...just relaxing and tackling 1 nursery project at a time each weekend.  I do have my maternity photo shoot set for 11/2 and can't wait to see the end result!

Do have 1 quick question though... do you think it is REALLY beneficial to take a pregnancy class (for labor/delivery, etc)?  Still contemplating if that is gonna make a huge difference.

Everyone have a great weekend!

Survey says...
Written Thursday, Oct. 17

How far along?: 27 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Hit a 2lb gain this week which puts me at the big 20.  I am starting to swell a lot in my feet by the end of the day so I know I am starting to retain some water. I just need to chug even more water now to make up for it.  (Yay for more pee breaks…not!)

Maternity clothes?:  Pretty much all in.  The only thing non-preggo are my cardigans or jackets as I just leave them open instead of spending OUTRAGEOUS money on preggo cardi’s or jackets.

Sleep: Not too much.  I sleep but there is no quality to it.  I blame it on the night heartburn, really bad back aches, and potty breaks.  I definitely can tell this is the third trimester now. 

Best moment of the week:  Having Monday off!  Momma needed a nice 3-day relaxing weekend…and it was.

Movement: His movements are definitely coming in cycles now as he is on a sleep cycle in my tummy.  I notice him more in the evenings but then again, I am so busy at work during the day, he may be moving lots and I just haven’t noticed as much.

Food Cravings: Milk and PB & J’s.  I did make some homemade Lara Bars (healthy fruit and nut bars) this weekend and they were delicious.  Now I want one at least once a day. 

Gender: Little King

Belly Button: Flattie

Stretchmarks?:  Not yet.

What I miss:  Last week was crazy busy at work and it made me miss my wine. 

What I am looking forward to: Tomorrow I will be 28wks and in my LAST trimester.  12 more weeks until I can meet my little man!!!

Weekly Wisdom:  Pregnancy Brain is a REAL thing.  And it happens to me EVERY DAY.

Milestones:  Ryan is the size of a rutabaga!  He is practicing his breathing and his brain activity is developing.  We’re in the home stretch!

             Friday- Rest

Saturday- Rest

Sunday- 1 hr. small hill walk (3.5mph, 3% incline)

Monday- 15 min. dog  walk + Pure Barre DVD

Tuesday- 1 hr. small hill walk (3.5mph, 3% incline)

Wednesday- 15 min. dog  walk + Pure Barre DVD + 15 more min. on treadmill

Thursday-  1 hr. small hill walk (3.5mph, 3% incline)

Survey Says: 26 weeks preggers

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Eeeek!  I am so excited. T-minus 1 week and I will be entering my last trimester.  I couldn't be more thrilled to see the light at the end of the tunnel and to meet my little man oh so soon.  Granted it is still 13 weeks away but with the holidays quickly approaching I know it will fly by.

This week was ROUGH all the way around.  Swamped at work mixed with major heartburn and really bad pains in my rib cage = not a happy momma.  I researched the rib cage issue and google said it was pretty common and just the way my uterus is squishing everything...oh and the fact that my kid is half under my ribs. (he is oh so nice)

Russell and I don't have anything planned on the books for the next couple weekends (which I LOVE) because it means I get to relax all weekend in the baggiest clothing I can find.  I am starting to feel like a stuffed turkey on the reg now.  My goal, with all this weekend down time, is to start tackling some nursery art projects that I want to do and use for Ryan's room. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend...I get Monday off so you best beeelieve I am gonna have a fabulous lonnnng weekend.

XOXO, Sherri

Survey says...
Written Thursday, Oct. 10

How far along?: 26 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Up 1 lb from last week.  Total is 17.6.  Not stressing over it at all.  It is still a healthy number and baby is growing.

Maternity clothes?: 90% of time. 

Sleep: Sleep is okay… just up more than I would like for potty breaks and I am getting more uncomfortable.

Best moment of the week:  Getting Ryan’s car seat and stroller delivered to us!  My dad got us our first gifts off our registry and delivered to us that way when we do have a baby shower that is one less thing to worry about bringing home .

Movement: All the time.  He gets the hiccups now at least 2 times a day.  I love seeing my belly move with it.

Food Cravings: PB & J and milk.  I have been eating some PB & J’s like whoa and nothing satisfies me like a glass of milk.  I still have my sweet craving too for chocolate or ice cream sandwiches, which I give in to, but then make sure I eat lots of veggies too.

Gender:  BOY! 

Baby love
Belly Button: flattie

Stretchmarks?:  None yet but I think I see my linea nigrea starting to appear slightly.

What I miss:  Nothing.  I just am ready to meet him!

What I am looking forward to: Having a half day Friday and off Monday for Columbus weekend.  The perks of working for a financial institution that follows all government holidays.

Weekly Wisdom: Baby Ryan is up to 2lbs now and his eyes start to finally open!  He is approximately the size of a head of lettuce.

Milestones: 1 more week until the 3rd trimester begins!  The end is so close and I am estatic!

Added section:  Workouts:
             Friday- Rest

            Saturday-1 hr treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.

Sunday- 15 min. dog  walk + Pure Barre DVD + 15 minute treadmill fast walk

Monday- Rest

Tuesday- 1 hr treadmill cardio.  Hill intervals.

Wednesday- Rest day.  I needed it bad.  Wayyy out of it.

               Thursday-  30 min VERY STEEP incline interval + light weights working (arm, shoulder, legs, booty)

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