Thanks to Katie and Heather for the link-up!
The week has come and gone, and fortunately, not at a snail like pace. I don't have anything planned for the weekend, but with it so hot out here in Memphis, TN, I don't mind that at all.
The only thing I have planned, is to fill our baby pool with water, open the patio umbrella, and let Ryan play.
Here are some of my #fridayfavorites from this week:
Friday Favorites | 7.31.15
Thursday, July 30, 2015
I want to give a shout out to Amanda @ RunningwithSpoons for the link up.
Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!
Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!
I have a problem. I am addicted to Zillow. Yes, it is a little weird that I am obsessed with house hunting. I will admit that, but let me explain.
Three years ago, Russell was offered a promotion with his company that had us moving from Virginia to Tennessee. Shortly after the move, he was given the opportunity to get his MBA on his company's dime. (Even better.) As of late, there have been a few conversations that have been tossed around about movement up in the company again, after his MBA is complete. (We are one year done, one more to go.) That movement up, could mean a promotion here, in Tennessee, or relocation. With that being said, I have become slightly obsessed with house hunting.
I think I have seriously searched for houses in every single possible place we may relocate, and there is no certainty that we even will relocate. It's all because of my OCD/Type A personality. I have even written down areas in each location that have the better schools, job opportunities for me, etc. The way I look at it, I want to be prepared.
(This is all really going to turn out pointless when/if a promo has us staying put! Ha!)
It's crazy though, I jump on the site for five minutes and an hour (or two) later, I have searched for every house in my budget in that entire city and surrounding area.
I just can't get enough. All of these houses will be sold by the time a possible opportunity will even come our way...I am, yes I know, a bit ridiculous.
I think for me, it not only comes down to wanting to be prepared, but slightly hoping an opportunity will come our way to move back somewhere on the East Coast so that we can be closer than 15-hr from our family. (Especially when we expand our family.) I guess I am living on a prayer (cue the Bon Jovi song).
I blame all of this Zillow obsession nonsense on his company for putting these possibilities in my thoughts in the first place. Don't they know what that does to an OCD/Type A girl?! I can't help but feel a little in limbo and like I can't fully settle in if there might be a move within a year or so.
So we will see what happens and what the future holds. If the promotion means we will stay here, that is fine too, but at least we will then know we can fully settle and maybe even start some house upgrade projects.
In the meantime, if you are wondering if there are houses for sale in an area you are interested in, hit me up...I have probably already searched there. Haha.
Have you ever been addicted to house hunting?
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Is it bad that I am wishing the rest of the summer away and ready for fall? For what seems like never ending weeks, it has been 100+ every day and we have been on a heat advisory. It is not enjoyable at all.
I was watching the weather report this morning and this popped up.
I was watching the weather report this morning and this popped up.
![]() |
Source: Business Insider |
Okay, so maybe it didn't...but my mind was thinking it.
The worst is when you take a shower, get ready for work, and then go outside to get in your car and realize sweat is just rolling off of you.
And since we still have a couple more months of this nonsense here in Memphis (Farmers Almanac says we will be having a abnormally hot late summer), I somehow need to just suck up the fact that:
1. This isn't going away anytime soon, so stop complaining
2. Sweat does not make me glisten
3. I can't help but question if I just peed myself or is that sweat running down my legs when I am on the treadmill. (If you're a super sweaty person when you workout, you will get this.)
Monday, July 27, 2015
Happy Monday! I am linking up with Katie for my weekend recap!
I am having a hard time with the fact that it is the last week of July! I cannot get over how quickly July came and went and now we are just a few weeks away from school starting back and having to start competing with back-to-school traffic. (School starts in early August for Memphis folks).
This weekend was pretty much a non event, which wasn't a bad thing since Ryan is cutting some molars. And, if you have ever had a child cut molars, you know it is not much fun for them (or almost more importantly, YOU). When Ryan cuts teeth, he gets a bad runny nose/cold-like symptoms, along with a bad attitude. And when I say bad attitude, I mean the "he is going to push every button you have kind." I try to be sympathetic and there were lots of cuddle sessions, but whoa, I definitely enjoyed the wind-down time when he went to sleep.
The best way to counteract the bad tude, was to distract him with every means possible, so that meant:
I am having a hard time with the fact that it is the last week of July! I cannot get over how quickly July came and went and now we are just a few weeks away from school starting back and having to start competing with back-to-school traffic. (School starts in early August for Memphis folks).
This weekend was pretty much a non event, which wasn't a bad thing since Ryan is cutting some molars. And, if you have ever had a child cut molars, you know it is not much fun for them (or almost more importantly, YOU). When Ryan cuts teeth, he gets a bad runny nose/cold-like symptoms, along with a bad attitude. And when I say bad attitude, I mean the "he is going to push every button you have kind." I try to be sympathetic and there were lots of cuddle sessions, but whoa, I definitely enjoyed the wind-down time when he went to sleep.
The best way to counteract the bad tude, was to distract him with every means possible, so that meant:
Thursday, July 23, 2015
First, I want to give a shout out to Amanda @ RunningwithSpoons for the link up.
Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!
Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!
I woke up today and realized that my baby boy is 19-mo. He is no longer a baby and I can't stop him from growing. I love this stage he is in but I miss the gummy smile and rolls for days. Now, he is so independent and wants to show me how he can do things all by himself.
Please slow down growing my little man...
12/23/13 |
Ryan is now 30lbs and is wearing size 7 toddler shoes and is in 2T clothing. He is going to be tall like his daddy.
He will not let you feed him at all, he grabs his fork and spoon in excitement and must do it by himself...even if it means wearing the food head-to-toe. He runs everywhere and loves to climb on everything.
Danger is his middle name. He has no fear, and gets more bumps and bruises than a Mayweather fight on TV. He loves his trucks and getting dirty, but he has such a sweet side to him too and loves to give you hugs and read books (or my Better Homes and Gardens magazines).
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Happy Hump Day!
Today is my last day of my hectic work schedule (we have been hosting a conference the first half of this week) and I get my normal work hours back. Woohoo!
Fortunately, I have an awesome husband who got out of traveling for the week so that he could be home to take care of Ryan while I get up at the crack of dawn for work and then don't get home a little past dinner time.
I did get to get home last night just in time for a little play time to help Ryan wind down for the night. We got to do a family walk and then watch Ryan run like a mad man through the sprinklers before bath. Watching the pure excitement on his face was priceless...and the temper tantrum when it was time to come in was epic. I am pretty sure every neighbor was peeking out of their blinds to see what we were up to. Oh you know, just my toddler stripped down to his diaper thrashing around the front yard screaming bloody murder. No big deal.
I tried bribing with cookies and crackers... no dice, he wouldn't cave. My 18-mo is very strong willed.
I grabbed a few great shots of him though, before we stripped him down to get him inside.
Today is my last day of my hectic work schedule (we have been hosting a conference the first half of this week) and I get my normal work hours back. Woohoo!
Fortunately, I have an awesome husband who got out of traveling for the week so that he could be home to take care of Ryan while I get up at the crack of dawn for work and then don't get home a little past dinner time.
I did get to get home last night just in time for a little play time to help Ryan wind down for the night. We got to do a family walk and then watch Ryan run like a mad man through the sprinklers before bath. Watching the pure excitement on his face was priceless...and the temper tantrum when it was time to come in was epic. I am pretty sure every neighbor was peeking out of their blinds to see what we were up to. Oh you know, just my toddler stripped down to his diaper thrashing around the front yard screaming bloody murder. No big deal.
I tried bribing with cookies and crackers... no dice, he wouldn't cave. My 18-mo is very strong willed.
I grabbed a few great shots of him though, before we stripped him down to get him inside.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Happy Monday! I am linking up with Katie for my weekend recap!
This weekend was perfect. It involved lots and lots and lots of rest, just what the doctor ordered. I did get a wild hair up my rear and decided to do a workout Saturday that involved really upping my weights and now, two days later, I feel like I need to be in a full body cast. And when I say up my weights, I really did. I nailed it, and knew I could, but my body is in shock from me forcing it to man up.
Other than that, I can't complain.
At lunch, I was craving a BLT but decided to sub the mayo for avocado, subbed bacon with turkey bacon, and use spinach as my lettuce option... it was magnifico! I ate that for lunch both days because it was that good.
Other than that, we stayed in most of the day because it was so hot out. Ryan got a little sun the day before, so I didn't want him to end up with too much. That's okay though, because he was happy with his Boom Chicka Pop Sea Salt Popcorn that we enjoyed as a snack together. He was yelling "Yum" after every bite. Ha!
After Ryan went down, Russell and I watched a few episodes of his favorite show Naked and Afraid, then we both did some workouts before turning in for the evening.
Although the weekend was not jam packed and pretty non-eventful, it was just what I needed for this week. My office is holding a conference for the first three days this week so it is early morning hours for me!
This weekend was perfect. It involved lots and lots and lots of rest, just what the doctor ordered. I did get a wild hair up my rear and decided to do a workout Saturday that involved really upping my weights and now, two days later, I feel like I need to be in a full body cast. And when I say up my weights, I really did. I nailed it, and knew I could, but my body is in shock from me forcing it to man up.
Other than that, I can't complain.
We spent the morning getting Ryan a haircut. We took him to someone new and they took way too much off. Thank goodness his hair grows really quick. I didn't know that when I said trim, that would give her permission to to a full on cut. Next time, I just may do it myself.BEFORE |
At lunch, I was craving a BLT but decided to sub the mayo for avocado, subbed bacon with turkey bacon, and use spinach as my lettuce option... it was magnifico! I ate that for lunch both days because it was that good.
After Ryan woke from his nap, we pulled out his pool and played. This boy loved the water. Thank goodness, because it was over 100 degrees this weekend and that was the only way to enjoy the outside.
We started the day with some organic whole grain blueberry waffles from Sprouts, topped with organic agave nectar and bananas, YUM! This is a Sunday ritual for Ryan and I. Then, we dashed off to church and ran our Costco errands.Other than that, we stayed in most of the day because it was so hot out. Ryan got a little sun the day before, so I didn't want him to end up with too much. That's okay though, because he was happy with his Boom Chicka Pop Sea Salt Popcorn that we enjoyed as a snack together. He was yelling "Yum" after every bite. Ha!
Although the weekend was not jam packed and pretty non-eventful, it was just what I needed for this week. My office is holding a conference for the first three days this week so it is early morning hours for me!
Any get ice cream for National Ice Cream Day?What was the highlight of your weekend?
Friday, July 17, 2015
Thanks to Katie and Heather for the link-up!
I didn't think this day would ever come. Period. The end.
To end this week with a bang, here are my #FRIDAYFAVORITES of the week:
I didn't think this day would ever come. Period. The end.
To end this week with a bang, here are my #FRIDAYFAVORITES of the week:
1. This shirt:
Want to know what I am doing this weekend while Ryan naps and sleeps? Side note, how awesome is this shirt? I saw it and thought someone was reading my mind.Source: Pinterest |
Thursday, July 16, 2015
First, I want to give a shout out to Amanda @ RunningwithSpoons for the link up.
Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!
Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!
If Friday at 4:30 PM doesn't get here right now, I may just pass out from exhaustion. It has been that kinda week. One of my coworkers is out sick and I have taken on her workload. It is also her busiest week of the month and next Monday, a conference I have helped put together is put her busiest week and my busiest week together and you get this week... pure mayhem. If I survive, it will be out of a miracle. Ryan may think his mommy has turned into a zombie for the week.
Okay, the end of that rant.
So here are my random thoughts/things of the week.
1. I thought, for a hot minute, I was pregnant.
I would call it a pregnancy scare, but I would have been excited. My husband, on the other hand, would have called it a nightmare. I am ready, he isn't...yet. We have a specific time frame in mind that isn't too far along at all but he, I am pretty sure, would have fainted if I told him.
2. Ryan said "Bad Mama"
I can tell dada is trying for payback. If you don't know what I am talking about, read here. I didn't do anything bad, I think Ryan just genuinely likes the word bad now and I got the finger point too. Now I know how it feels.... darn it.
On a side note, if you sell Pampered Chef, hit a sister up! It's like going through the old JCPenney Christmas catalog....I circle every single thing and make excuses for why I need it.
3. My Pinterest Board has become baby crazy
Since the "pregnancy scare" I have found myself thinking names and pinning cute nurseries. Even though I know for sure I am not, the moment the thought crossed my mind, I went all goo goo ga ga about it and now if you follow me on Pinterest you may be annoyed by my pinning of anything baby.4. My mom made my night
My mom used to sell Pampered Chef and now, I pretty only use all things Pampered Chef in my kitchen. But there were a few things I wanted/needed and it was going to cost me. A quick chat with my mom later, and she excitedly told me she had every item I wanted, still in a box, never used, and .... I could take it. I love it when my mom saves me. She is packing it up and mailing's going to feel like Christmas morning in my house when I get that package of goodies. Also, I love it even more since it is free!On a side note, if you sell Pampered Chef, hit a sister up! It's like going through the old JCPenney Christmas catalog....I circle every single thing and make excuses for why I need it.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Yes, I am doing a Weekend Recap post on a Tuesday. Sorry! Yesterday got away from me. As soon as I woke up, I hit the ground running and never got the chance to stop. So, to catch you up on our weekend:
We started the day off by Buddy stealing Ryan's banana at breakfast and then acting like he didn't. Little did he know, the proof is on the forehead Buddy.
We started the day off by Buddy stealing Ryan's banana at breakfast and then acting like he didn't. Little did he know, the proof is on the forehead Buddy.
Then, I turned on Spotify as I was getting ready for the day and my favorite boy band from the 90's/early 00's came on. The little middle schooler in me jumped for joy. Have I mentioned Hanson was my very first concert I went to? Sorry, I'm not sorry!
Friday, July 10, 2015
Thanks to Katie and Heather for the link-up!
TGIF people, T.G.I.F! The weekend is here and it's much needed. The week started out pretty slow but by Thursday, work was crazy, and I woke up this morning not wanting to get out of bed.
To end this week with a bang, here are my #FRIDAYFAVORITES of the week:
TGIF people, T.G.I.F! The weekend is here and it's much needed. The week started out pretty slow but by Thursday, work was crazy, and I woke up this morning not wanting to get out of bed.
To end this week with a bang, here are my #FRIDAYFAVORITES of the week:
Cousin It
Yep, we have our very own Cousin It. Ryan's preferred method of walking around the house is by means of blanket. #toddlersareweirdThursday, July 9, 2015
First, I want to give a shout out to Amanda @ RunningwithSpoons for the link up.
Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!
Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!
One of the hardest things I have ever had to do was go back to work and drop my son off at daycare when he was six weeks old. It broke my heart. He was so teeny tiny and fragile. I felt more guilt than you could imagine and bawled my eyes out before I even left his classroom.
Now, 18 months later, it is still hard, but I look forward to the end of the day when I arrive at daycare to pick Ryan up and see the pure joy on his face and get to embrace his hugs. And at the same time, I like the adult conversations I get to have at work, being a financial provider for my family, and enjoy a successful career.
It's a very hard balance though. I am a very driven woman and I enjoy using my creativity and smarts in the business world. I enjoy the money (let's be real) and I like climbing the ladder.
But, I get very jealous when every other mom, in my town, is a stay-at-home mom. They can take their children to the zoo, museum, park, and pool during the week. They don't have to worry about paying for before and after care for preschool...they can drop their child off at 9 AM and pick them up at 3 PM. They can take their child to the library for story time at 10 AM on a random weekday. When I see that on Facebook or get an email about a mid-morning event, I get very frustrated and feel guilty for not being able to be "that mom" for my son.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
I love to read, but that doesn't always mean I get to. Before becoming a mom, I would read a heck ton of books within a month but now I am lucky to get to read a chapter in one book within a month.
While over the long July 4th weekend, I did borrow the digital book "The Girl on the Train" from my library and downloaded it on my Kindle. My goal was to just get started reading it, but it was an immediate hook, line, and sinker and within three days, the book was done. Every night, after Ryan was put down, I grabbed my glass of wine, pj's, and climbed in bed with the Kindle. Not only did I enjoy reading again, but it was such a nice relaxing way to end the evenings. I missed reading.
So, go figure, I have decided I am going to read several more books this summer and make reading my nightly "unwind" time. Especially since I have a while before some of my favorite fall television shows return...
So here is the reading list goal:
While over the long July 4th weekend, I did borrow the digital book "The Girl on the Train" from my library and downloaded it on my Kindle. My goal was to just get started reading it, but it was an immediate hook, line, and sinker and within three days, the book was done. Every night, after Ryan was put down, I grabbed my glass of wine, pj's, and climbed in bed with the Kindle. Not only did I enjoy reading again, but it was such a nice relaxing way to end the evenings. I missed reading.
So, go figure, I have decided I am going to read several more books this summer and make reading my nightly "unwind" time. Especially since I have a while before some of my favorite fall television shows return...
So here is the reading list goal:
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
I did a bad thing. Well, let me go back a little... I taught Ryan something that I did not know would catch on like wildfire and now I am running around trying to fix it. #momfail
Russell loves goofing off with Ryan. Sometimes it's a bit much, but I digress... Well one morning this weekend, Ryan didn't find it funny and was getting annoyed. And here is where I went wrong. I, jokingly, told Ryan to point his finger and say "bad dada." Now, it has stuck and every time Russell walks into the room or breaths, it's "bad dada" (with the finger point).
See, I told you... total #momfail.
Russell is frustrated (I get it) and I am now trying to back pedal. But on a side note, I try and teach this kid other fun words and sayings and he picks THIS up?! Just my luck...
Just last night, Ryan walks in the door and sees dada standing there waving and smiling at him... Ryan's first words "bad dada" (with the finger point). I have my work cut out for me.
I am trying to fix the issue and repeat (a bizillion times throughout the day) "Oh no Ry Ry, dada is very good. Dada loves you, why don't you give dada a kiss? Say, good dada." (Ry Ry is his little nickname by the way...)
So far, it is not working too good. We were making good strides until I was in a different room the other night and was telling my mom about it on the phone. Well, Ryan's bat ears heard it from the other room and he went back at it. #2ndmomfail Russell was none too pleased with me...again.
Yes, I knooow I shouldn't have even started it in the first place, I get it. But I was kidding around and didn't think it would spread like wildfire. And like I said before, I have been trying to get Ryan to say all kinds of stuff before and he could care less. It must have been the excitement of the finger pointing that won him over.
I don't have a picture to go along with this. If I did, that would be me catering to this nonsense (although I would like it for scrapbook documentation purposes).
But thanks to, at least I didn't do any of these:
I guess it could be worse. Lets just see how long it takes for me to fix this.
Any suggestions on other ways to fix it?
Have you had a mom fail?
Russell loves goofing off with Ryan. Sometimes it's a bit much, but I digress... Well one morning this weekend, Ryan didn't find it funny and was getting annoyed. And here is where I went wrong. I, jokingly, told Ryan to point his finger and say "bad dada." Now, it has stuck and every time Russell walks into the room or breaths, it's "bad dada" (with the finger point).
See, I told you... total #momfail.
Russell is frustrated (I get it) and I am now trying to back pedal. But on a side note, I try and teach this kid other fun words and sayings and he picks THIS up?! Just my luck...
Just last night, Ryan walks in the door and sees dada standing there waving and smiling at him... Ryan's first words "bad dada" (with the finger point). I have my work cut out for me.
I am trying to fix the issue and repeat (a bizillion times throughout the day) "Oh no Ry Ry, dada is very good. Dada loves you, why don't you give dada a kiss? Say, good dada." (Ry Ry is his little nickname by the way...)
So far, it is not working too good. We were making good strides until I was in a different room the other night and was telling my mom about it on the phone. Well, Ryan's bat ears heard it from the other room and he went back at it. #2ndmomfail Russell was none too pleased with me...again.
Yes, I knooow I shouldn't have even started it in the first place, I get it. But I was kidding around and didn't think it would spread like wildfire. And like I said before, I have been trying to get Ryan to say all kinds of stuff before and he could care less. It must have been the excitement of the finger pointing that won him over.
I don't have a picture to go along with this. If I did, that would be me catering to this nonsense (although I would like it for scrapbook documentation purposes).
But thanks to, at least I didn't do any of these:
I guess it could be worse. Lets just see how long it takes for me to fix this.
Any suggestions on other ways to fix it?
Have you had a mom fail?
Monday, July 6, 2015
Happy Monday! I am linking up with Katie for my weekend recap!
This weekend was filled with lots of rain, lots of sleep, a good book, and a crazy toddler. The fireworks were pretty much a wash since it rained every single day except for Sunday, but the rain made my crazy toddler extra sleepy. Ryan slept in until 8 every day (which never happens), so it was the first time in months that momma and daddy got to get some good sleep in.
We also got a picture back that our church took of us recently...too cute!
Then, when Ryan went down for the night, I borrowed the book The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, from our local library's e-library program and started that with a nice glass of wine. That book was the best book I have read in a long time and I finished it in three nights. That too, hasn't happened in a long time. I recently found out that our library has a program where you can check out/borrow library books through your kindle. Next book on my list I am borrowing is The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty.
This weekend was filled with lots of rain, lots of sleep, a good book, and a crazy toddler. The fireworks were pretty much a wash since it rained every single day except for Sunday, but the rain made my crazy toddler extra sleepy. Ryan slept in until 8 every day (which never happens), so it was the first time in months that momma and daddy got to get some good sleep in.
I got off work early on Thursday, so I started my long weekend off with a great workout at home before I picked Ryan up from daycare. It was nice to get a hard workout in without my toddler throwing things at me on the treadmill or trying to climb on me if I am doing planks. The uninterrupted workout alone was a success!We also got a picture back that our church took of us recently...too cute!
Then, when Ryan went down for the night, I borrowed the book The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, from our local library's e-library program and started that with a nice glass of wine. That book was the best book I have read in a long time and I finished it in three nights. That too, hasn't happened in a long time. I recently found out that our library has a program where you can check out/borrow library books through your kindle. Next book on my list I am borrowing is The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
First, I want to give a shout out to Amanda @ RunningwithSpoons for the link up.
Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!
Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!
I love Chipotle. Let me repeat that....I love Chipotle. It's an addiction that I have been facing for years. My addiction became worse when my husband professed his love for Chipotle too. That is why I know we were meant to be together. When you ask what they want for dinner and they say "Chipotle," and you were thinking that at the same time, that = true love. Now, Ryan also loves Chipotle. It's a family affair.
What did Russell want for Father's Day? A Chipotle gift card. What did I get for my birthday? A Chipotle gift card. (Other stuff too, but that's beside the point.) Our love is so strong, one of the servers there knows exactly what my husband wants when she sees him.
I guess my addiction could be worse, it could be McDonald's. (Thank you baby Jesus that it isn't!) I talked to Russell last night on the phone (he is out of town, getting back today) and asked him what he wanted me to make for dinner tonight. His first words "Nah, lets do Chipotle." And just like that, my night was made.
True story: Back in college, on Halloween, you could get a free burrito if you wrapped yourself in tin foil. And...I did just that. No shame in my game. I am just sad there is no picture to share with you.
I stumbled across these gems below on Pinterest the other day, letting me know that our family's addiction is not the only in the world. Topping that, The Huffington Post even wrote an article on Chipotle fandom (here). We are not alone people, we are not alone.
So do you have any random addition to a certain food or restaurant? I would love to hear, that way I don't feel to bad about how crazy mine is...
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
It's Wednesday and that can only mean one thing... I have only one more day of work before my three day weekend. Hallelujah!
Since I am getting a three day weekend, I will also be taking Friday off on the blog so that I can really unwind with my little fam. Russell also has off, which makes me want to unplug even more. Since I will be missing my Friday Favorites post, I decided to do something similar today and post what my current favorites are. I follow Ashley @ My Food & Fitness Diaries and she does a great "Currently" post that I have decided to try myself.
Current Book:
I am currently reading "Give Them Grace" by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick. I was given this book by our church at Ryan's dedication and it is such a wonderful read. It's about teaching your children about our grace-giving God and helping our children know the dazzling love of Jesus and respond with heartfelt obedience.![]() |
Source: |