Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!
Tomorrow, will be 2016... say whaaa? The way time is flying, the next time I blink, I will be 80 years old, with a walker, stocking falling, and in a nursing home because Ryan is tired of changing my Depends.
Wrapping up 2015 has got me thinking about my New Year resolutions. Of course, I am like 80% of the population that only lasts about four weeks with my resolutions, but hey, at least I last four weeks.
The last few years I have mostly made resolutions to lose a few lbs or to make sure I exercise 4-5 times a week. Then, life gets involved, laughs at my resolutions shoves it right back in my face. This year, I am going to change up my resolutions, make them obtainable, and see how far it gets me. I am not saying I am throwing in the towel on exercise...not at all. But, life can get hectic. There are weeks that I can knock out five workouts with no issues, then, the next week things are crazy and I am lucky to get two workouts in. At that point, I have failed my resolution...instead, I am going to workout as much as I can, eat as healthy as I can, and not beat myself up about it. No resolution...just accountability,
So, what are my resolutions?
Resolution 1: Watch my potty mouth
Lately, my potty mouth has gotten the best of me. Since my two year old is repeating everything I say like a parrot, mommy needs to get herself in line. No more potty mouth for me!Resolution 2: Drink more water!
I do pretty good at this, but I want to drink even more to see if I see the increased benefits. I already drink about 50oz a day, but want to increase to around 80oz a day.Resolution 3: Be more consistent with my blogging
Before we moved to Wilmington, I was blogging five days a week. After we moved, I found it harder. (The holidays didn't help.) After writing five days a week, I was running out of things to say. Now, I will be writing 3-4 days and plan my posts better. While I love sharing our family stories, and will continue to do so, I want to contribute more towards recipes and workouts.So what are your resolutions?
Thank you for a great 2015 and following our family along the way. I look forward to seeing what 2016 has in store for us and sharing it all with you!
HAPPY NEW YEAR & See you in 2016!
Top posts of 2015:
Kale, Broccoli, Rice, and Chicken CasseroleJune Stitch Fix Review
Thinking Out Loud | I thought, for a hot minute, I was pregnant
Spinach Cheddar Chicken Nuggets
It's been a year and I miss you more and more
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