
Weekend Recap | The Fart Machine

Monday, December 21, 2015

Happy Monday!  I am linking up with Katie for my weekend recap!

It was hands-down, one of the most fun weekends I have had since we moved.  Wilmington, NC, finally had it's first real winter temperatures here but it wasn't too cold to still have fun.

My dad and his wife came in town for an early Christmas celebration and Ryan was in heaven with his Pop Pop.

Recap in pictures:

On Friday, I left work a little early to surprise Ryan at his daycare and attend their Christmas party. He was so happy to see me :)

But, it took forever to get that green icing off of him!  It dyed his face green the rest of the day.

That night, we even had carolers arrive at our front door to serenade us!  I have never had carolers before, it was awesome!

Then, on Saturday, we took my dad out to Oak Island to the beach and to eat at my favorite place, the Fishy Fishy Cafe.

Ryan was so beat, that he passed out for a good nap in the car while we road around Oak Island and did some touring.

Which was perfect, because when he woke up, we took him to Fort Anderson in Wilmington to let him run around outside.  Fort Anderson, is an old battleground during the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.  You can tour the grounds of the fort and see where the bunkers were, the old church walls still standing, and tour inside a museum to view artifacts that have been found.  Best thing, it was FREE.  Ryan loved running outside and I am a history buff, so I loved it too.

Sunday, we opened our Christmas presents to each other and Ryan's birthday presents.  Up first, my dad (Pop Pop) gave Ryan a fart machine.  

I think dad secretly bought it for himself :)

Ryan did get a cool Thomas the Train train set that he screamed "Whoa" when he opened it.

We ended the day with some light reading.

It was sad to see my dad leave, but now its time for our other guests.  We have a whole slew of people traveling in for the rest of the week.  Russell's best friend Joe (Ryan's godfather) arrived last night and is staying until Wednesday, my mother-in-law arrives Tuesday, my mom arrives Wednesday, and my father-in-law arrives Wednesday.

Let the family fun continue on!


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