
Answered Prayers

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My weekend update is coming to you a few days late because my toddler decided to be so generous and share his nasty cold with me.  Both of us have been under the weather and I prescribed myself some good 'ole R&R.  He has had it for over a week and yesterday we went to his doctor only to find out he also has a double ear infection.

He's been a trooper, though!  This weekend, my mother and her boyfriend came to visit and he tried his very best to hang in there and have some fun.  He even managed to sucker Dada into playing with him in Chick-fil-A.

Step 1: Ask Dada to come "supervise" you.

Step 2: Convince 6'3'' Dada to come join you!

I do have some other exciting news to share as well!

So, if you have been following my blog for the last month, you know that Russell received a promotion with his company and we relocated to Wilmington, NC.  With that, I was unable to keep my job and I had to start job hunting.  And, if you have ever had to job hunt, you know how hard it is when you move somewhere new and don't have any networking connections.  While I know I am pretty awesome, (tooting my own horn here :) ) competing in the job market is hard!

I prayed every night that I would be guided down the right path, to the right job.  I put together a killer portfolio, dressed in my work best, and hit the ground running.  After just two short weeks here, prayers were answered, I got the job I so desperately wanted, with a company I really wanted to be a part of.

Just yesterday, I had a second interview and at the end of it the golden ticket was handed over.  Last night, it was like Christmas morning in the Schwartz house, just celebrating.  Even Ryan took part in the celebration, running around the house yelling, "Yay, Mommy!"  I felt like Rocky at the top steps.

So, what is the job?  I will be a Product Marketer/Writer for nCino,Inc., the leader in cloud banking.  The company is growing and they are committed to taking care of their customers and employees.  The culture there is incredible and I can't wait to be a part of it.  Start date = December 1!

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