
We're Moving!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The title is right!

If you recall, a little over a week ago we took a trip to Wilmington, NC, for Russell to interview for a position within his company that would be a huge promotion if he received an offer.  After lots of prayers, Russell got the job offer on Friday and we accepted it yesterday.

I am beyond proud of Russell but I am terrified of looking for another job and having to start over.  The job market (in my field) is not very lucrative there compared to Memphis, so I am just crossing some fingers in hopes to land a great job sooner rather than later.

On another note, I am jumping for joy that the relo company will have movers packing and upacking for us.  Hallelujah!  That has to be the most dreaded part of a move (at least for me).

We are flying back to Wilmington on Saturday until Wednesday to house hunt as they want us to be settled in the new digs by the end of October.  Shew!

There are some perks to this move that I am very excited about (aside from extra dinero).  I am looking forward to being only four hours away from all of our family, being on the beach, and just being back on the East Coast.  While we have enjoyed Memphis (and our suburban town Collierville), our friends, and church family, this new chapter is very exciting.  Just the fact that Ryan will get to see his grandparents more often is the real winner.

In other news, Russell's dad (Ryan's Grandpop) came into town this past weekend for a visit.  Want to see the pics?  I knew you would :

Grandpop got Ryan a new bear which Ryan carries everywhere now... in his hands or mouth.

 We went to the toy store where Ryan rocked his Notre Dame gear, duh!  And, then bought some very important toys... Chuggington's Puffer Pete and Koko trains.

Then we all rocked our ND gear at Costco.  

And while Notre Dame beat that Texas booty, Buddy also joined in on the ND gear.  It's truly a family affair. #ndgameday

We ended the visit by introducing Grandpop to the world's largest Bass Pro Shops and Ryan's favorite place in the world.  

Grandpop even joined in on the fun!

Next up for this week, besides working... starting the never-ending list of everything we need to do before we move.  


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