
A Recap of Our Trip

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

While I shared the sad news from last week on yesterday's post (click here), I thought I would share some of the good from our trip today.

It was Ryan's first time on an airplane since he was six months old, so we were a bit worried on how our energetic 20mo would do.  But, he did fantastic and was such a trooper.

Also, the BEST money I have spent lately was at Target buying kids headphones.  Ryan loved watching his movies on the plane!

Once we arrived in Wilmington, our first stop was to the beach!  Ryan screamed "Osha!" as soon as he saw it.

Then, he quickly let us know he was ready to go to bed.  Haha.

The next day, we took a tour downtown to explore Wilmington.  But of course, Ryan had to help haul some stuff to our hotel room in with the luggage cart.

He also enjoyed some shopping.

Eating Ice Cream at Scoops!

And finally, decided to take a walk in his momma's shoes.  Ha!

Our last night there, we dined right on the water at an excellent seafood restaurant called Elijah's, then took a stroll down the pier.

And, Ryan ended the night having a good, long conversation with himself in the mirror.

Then next day, we took the drive to Franklin, Virginia, to be with my family to celebrate the life of my grandmother.  I am forever grateful that we were able to get there in time to be at the visitation and funeral, and support my dad.

Russell's interview went very well and we are crossing our fingers in hopes to hear about an offer soon.  While the trip to Wilmington, North Carolina, was a success, it ended on a sad note with our family's loss of my grandmother.

Hopefully, we can let you know soon if we will be moving or not!


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