
I'm still alive!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Yes, I am still alive!  I promise :)

Early last week, we flew to Wilmington, NC, to house hunt and when I got back I had to throw myself head-first into work.  From Sunday until yesterday, I was working our large conference with my company and was working day and night.

Now that it is over, life is slowing down and we are gearing up for a move!

So what have you missed?  Let's break it down:

1.  We found a house!
I honestly did not think it would happen.  It was exhausting and so frustrating.  Finally, on our very last house we visited, we had our "ah hah" moment and knew we had to have it.  Our offer was accepted literally 30 minutes before we had to be at the airport to fly back to Tennessee.  Talk about a close one.

2.  Ryan handled the house hunting so well!
I was a little worried about how Ryan would handle being out of his schedule and having to tour home, after home, after home.  But he loved it!  He loved it a little too much, because if he saw toys in a house, he assumed they were his.  By the end of it though, he had enough.

3.  Our house is for sale!
Wanna buy it?  No, seriously.  Let me know if you do...we need a buyer!

Our official close date on our new house is October 28, so I am almost exactly a month away from our move.  This is all happening wayyy too fast.  Now on to the job hunt!


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