
Weekend Recap | We ate Chipotle...duh!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Happy Monday!  I am linking up with Katie for my weekend recap!

The weekend went by too fast...the usual, but the good news is that I am feeling much better.  I was even able to squeeze in a few workouts, for which my body is now paying for.  A few years back, I was a certified Turbo Kick instructor so I have all of my instructor DVDs still.  I did one of my Turbo Kick workouts last night (first time in forever) and my obliques are crying today.

I forgot how much fun Turbo Kick was!  (And how much of an ab workout you get!)

Here is a recap from our weekend:

Saturday (because nothing happened Friday night)

Ryan spent the morning with playing with his favorite app Peekaboo Barn and Dada, while Mama got her hair all spruced up at the salon.

Then, he destroyed our living room with his toys.  

After nap, and cleaning his mess, we took him downtown to the Bass Pro Shops for some sightseeing!  Ryan loved riding his "truck" and seeing the fish in the aquarium.

Pointing to the fish.

He proudly told me this was his truck!


We spent Sunday cleaning the house and running errands, while also squeezing in a Chipotle lunch date... duh!
The family that eats Chipotle together, stays together!
Then we had a giggle fest in the car with this silly guy!

What a goof!

Now the weekend is over, and it's back to work!  It won't be a bad week at all though, because Russell's mom (GaGa) is coming in town Wednesday!  We couldn't be more ecstatic to have some family coming in town for a long weekend.  It is wayyyy overdue!

I hope your weekend was great!


What was your favorite part of the weekend!?

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