All of our cabinets in our kitchen have childproof locks on them except for one. That one, is a very slender cabinet between our dishwasher and fridge.
The only thing in that cabinet, are some cutting boards and a few boxes of items that are harmless. So, we have always left that one unlocked for Ryan to explore/play with. We never even had the idea cross in our minds that he could get his head stuck. I mean, look at that thing, it's skinny and Ryan has a huge dome on his head. I mean, even since the day he was born, his head has always been in the 100% percentile.
So last night, I was slaving away at dinner (we had a friend over grilling out) and Ryan was pulling items out of the cabinet. No harm in that. Then, I heard a scream and found him with his head stuck in the cabinet. Ryan had turned sideways and tried to stick his head in, it got stuck at his forehead.
Fortunately (praise baby Jesus), his whole head wasn't in there or stuck at his nose or mouth but his forehead was really jammed in there. I tried to pull him out and...nothing. I tried again, with Ryan screaming....and nothing. I then screamed for Russell, who was outside at the grill, "Russell, your child's head is stuck in the cabinet." His response, "Huh?" Meandering over slowly and in no real hurry, Russell made his way over to see what the fuss was about. There, he saw the crime scene. A child's forehead stuck, and his mouth bleeding because he bit his lip in the process.
I found myself thinking of ways to get him out. Do I spray some Pam on the area and see if he slides out? Do I call the FD and ask them to bring the Jaws of Life? Do we grab Russell's saw and do it ourselves? The latter of the questions quickly vanished as I realized there was no way I was trusting ourselves to do that job... so I decided pull one last time before we made a phone call to the FD. I asked Ryan to bear with me, and I pulled. With his body, lifted high in the air, I pulled and it popped out. I cradled him, checking for bumps, bruises, bones, and blood and realized we were good. Once Ryan calmed down, we noticed a nice 'ole knot forming on his forehead but that was it. Shew!
I would say we should now put a lock on that door, but Russell mentioned he probably learned a good lesson from that one.... But as hard as my son's head is (and big), I just don't know.
He had a great night sleep and woke up fresh faced (with a slightly red knot) ready to take on the day and see what else he can do. I, on the other hand, am ready to place him in a padded room.
Oh, the thrills of being a mom to a little boy.
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