
Survey Says: 22 weeks preggers

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yes I know, I am posting 1 day early but Russell and I hop on a flight tonight heading to the OBX for a long weekend to see family and celebrate Russell's BFF's wedding.  I haven't seen my mom since XMAS and it has been so long now since I have seen the East Coast that I NEED IT.

To keep this week short and sweet, here is my weekly update!  (Pics from this weekend will be posted next week!)

Survey says...

Written Wednesday, Sept. 11

How far along?: 22 weeks and 5 days

Total weight gain/loss: So since I didn’t weigh myself last week I made sure I did this week.  So the scale says I have gained 3lbs in 2 weeks…averaging 1.5lb a week.  Not horrible but I would love for it to be 1lb and not 1.5 as week.  I know its no big deal and honestly as long as my baby is healthy I will be a happy momma but lets face it…it will be nice not to have toooo much extra/unnecessary to lose.  So in 22 weeks I am up 11lbs.

Maternity clothes?:  I am finding it more and more uncomfortable to wear the pre-preggo clothes I was able to get use out of.  I know serious shopping is in my future because HOLY BOOBS I am even busting out of shirts now that I thought would last me til the end.

Sleep:  Like a baby but Ryan is starting to kick A LOT right when I try to go to bed so I am hitting the hay a bit later than I would like.

Best moment of the week: Finally being able to eat at Bonefish and it NOT make me gag.  Seriously, I think that really made Russell’s week too. (Since it is by far his favorite place to eat on EARTH)

Movement: Tons of it!  Baby boy is a mover and a shaker…I hope he inherits my sweet dance moves.

Food Cravings: I know this sounds a little crazy but I discovered an amazing sandwich that I am now making all the time.  It’s a grilled cheese with tomato, avocado, and a few slices of crispy bacon!  Yum !!

Gender: Little dude.

Belly Button: Ha, it is BARELY hanging in there.  I had lots of belly growth this past week and I don’t think I will have an innie much longer.

Stretchmarks?:  Still no (thank goodness)

What I miss:  Not a thing!  This experience, although sometimes uncomfortable, is amazing.

What I am looking forward to: We are heading to the OBX tonight through Sunday for Russell’s BFF’s wedding and get to see SO MUCH FAMILY while we are there.  I haven’t seen my mom since Christmas so it will be like XMAS morning all over again for me… Can’t wait to see her and for her to meet baby Ryan’s kicks and punches.

Weekly Wisdom: Ryan is the size of a spaghetti squash and weighing a whopping 1LB!  Grow baby grow!   His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.

Milestones:   No real milestone unless you count BARELY fitting into any non-maternity any more. 

Have a great weekend!
XOXO, Sherri

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