Ryan (our oldest who is three) is all.boy.and.then.some. He's the sweetest kid with the biggest mischievous streak. I call him (and his teachers) Dennis the Menace. He knows how to turn on the charm. He also doesn't care if you have a new baby...his mommy better have all the energy to keep up with him no matter what. Just had a baby? So what. Mommy, you didn't sleep? You asked for it!
Despite the warnings, there are a few things that I still had to learn on my own (especially being a #boymom). And now I am sharing with you.
- Despite all efforts, your oldest (depending on their age) will regress. We were almost 100% potty trained and then we took the giant leap back and have been on the struggle bus ever since.
- Your SuperMom skills could win you a gold medal at the Olympics. No lie, you will learn to be in two places at once, shower in five seconds, sooth a baby while reading/turning pages of a book for your toddler with your foot and block all sense of smell so you won't know how awful you smell since you haven't showered in a week.
- Recovery is even harder... Because you can't stop moving and lay on a couch. While one baby sleeps the toddler is ready to play American Ninja Warrior with you.
- No, your kids won't nap at the same time. Or, at least mine won't.
- Gourmet meals will consist of.... Ha! What gourmet meals? If I didn't have time to shower... then I certainly don't have time to play Rachel Ray.
- Coffee is the new aphrodisiac. Lots and lots of coffee.
- Baby weight is the devil. You put in the work and got it off the first time around. The second time it's laughing at you while eating a tub of Ben and Jerry's watching a traffic accident. It ain't going anywhere.
Just being real.
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