
Life with two

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

It's been five months since I have been #winning surviving the parent game of balancing two. People always say going from one to two kids is hard, but man it is even harder than I could have imagined. I was ready for having a newborn again (sleepless nights, postpartum healing, etc.) but the energy you have to have in order to keep up with your oldest child is unreal.

Ryan (our oldest who is three) is all.boy.and.then.some. He's the sweetest kid with the biggest mischievous streak. I call him (and his teachers) Dennis the Menace. He knows how to turn on the charm. He also doesn't care if you have a new baby...his mommy better have all the energy to keep up with him no matter what. Just had a baby? So what. Mommy, you didn't sleep? You asked for it!

Despite the warnings, there are a few things that I still had to learn on my own (especially being a #boymom). And now I am sharing with you. 
  1. Despite all efforts, your oldest (depending on their age) will regress. We were almost 100% potty trained and then we took the giant leap back and have been on the struggle bus ever since.
  2. Your SuperMom skills could win you a gold medal at the Olympics. No lie, you will learn to be in two places at once, shower in five seconds, sooth a baby while reading/turning pages of a book for your toddler with your foot and block all sense of smell so you won't know how awful you smell since you haven't showered in a week.
  3. Recovery is even harder... Because you can't stop moving and lay on a couch. While one baby sleeps the toddler is ready to play American Ninja Warrior with you.
  4. No, your kids won't nap at the same time. Or, at least mine won't.
  5. Gourmet meals will consist of.... Ha! What gourmet meals? If I didn't have time to shower... then I certainly don't have time to play Rachel Ray.
  6. Coffee is the new aphrodisiac. Lots and lots of coffee.
  7. Baby weight is the devil. You put in the work and got it off the first time around. The second time it's laughing at you while eating a tub of Ben and Jerry's watching a traffic accident. It ain't going anywhere.
Just being real.

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