
Weekend Recap | Operation "Toddler Bed"

Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy Monday!  I am linking up with Katie for my weekend recap!

The weekend came and went way too fast, just like any other weekend.  The only difference is that we were having monsoon rains all day yesterday with extreme cold (extreme for NC), so there was a little cabin fever.

And let me tell you, cabin fever is very hard when you have a toddler that needs to run around.  So, what did we do?  We distracted him with Operation "Toddler Bed."

We had been sensing that Ryan was ready for the upgrade from the crib.  He could crawl out if he really wanted to and could climb in.  But, daddy and mommy were a little selfish and we knee that if we put him in a toddler bed, he could crawl out and in all the time.  And that would seem a lot more fun than going to sleep (if you catch my drift).

We knew it was time though, so decided to talk that bad boy up and make him super excited.  By the time we converted his crib into his toddler bed, he was so thrilled, climbed right on up, stood up and then shouted "This is Ry Ry's Big Boy Bed!"


He was so stinking excited, it was just too cute.  As for how his sleep went.... wayyyyyyy better than expected.  He slept longer and we had to go wake him up every time.

He slept so well, that every time he woke up he was so mad at us.  He even threw himself down on the floor in a complete fit because he wanted to be in his bed again.

I can't credit one thing in particular, I think it was an accumulation of several things that made this go so smooth.

  1. We waited until he was extremely ready for the transition.
  2. We talked it up big time!
  3. We bought him comfy new sheets for his bed (and talked that up too)!
  4. We put his favorite book and stuffed animals in there with him so it was a party.

It was almost too good to be true.  Now I am interested in seeing how long it lasts.


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