Happy Monday! I am linking up with
Katie for my weekend recap!
I have absolutely zero pictures from this weekend...zero. Want to know why? Because, Ryan
AND I have the good ole Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease. Yes, you read right. I have it too!
Thanks to the perks of daycare, Ryan started having cold like symptoms early in the weekend and then some red bumps on his rear. By Sunday, I had rash ALL OVER MY ENTIRE BODY. I freaked, thought it was an allergic reaction to something and immediately ran to Urgent Care where they took one glance at me and said "Hand, Foot, Mouth."
I laughed, said "How in the world did I get that," and the doc quickly confirmed..."Your son." Ryan wasn't showing extreme signs and his rear looked like an early diaper rashy stage. Nope, he too had HFM. By the end of the day yesterday, his face started breaking out into rash too.
Great, just great. What is funny is the fact that I, the adult, have an extreme case and my toddler doesn't. No fever, no blisters, etc. (I say that and then I will jinx myself.)
See why I didn't take any pictures??