
Weekend Recap | We're contagious!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I am a day late and a dollar short on this weekend recap post, but with good reason.  Every single member of my household has been sick and so has our visitor!  I am sure my family is drawing the attention of the health department because #wearecontagious!

If you recall, at the end of last week I was out of commission really sick.  Well, yesterday, everyone else woke up with a nasty viral bug.  I had to take the day off to care for my little man and my mom.  Gigi came into town this weekend for a whole week, and she wasn't even exempt from the bug.

When you wake up on a Monday morning and everyone else in the house has the bug, it's a quick reality check on just how superb your week will be.  Kidding... kind of...maybe not??

At least everyone woke up much better today so that we could celebrate Gigi's 50th birthday!!!  I am stoked that my mom is in town for a whole week and that I get to celebrate her birthday with her.  That hasn't happened since before college.  THAT long ago...

While we were semi healthy this weekend, we did manage to have a little fun.  So lets recap, shall we?

We took Ryan to the toy store to play with the train table.  He literally stayed right there for a good 20 minutes.  I think we found his birthday gift.  A train table is a must!


Ryan is also into this thing where he loves to grab bags, put them on his shoulder, and say "bye bye."  This time, it was his Halloween bucket.  He put his night night and his bear (that he named "AHH") in his bucket, jumped on his tractor, and told me he was going "bye bye."  Someone is already trying to leave the nest.

We also took Ryan (and Gigi) to his favorite spot... Bass Pro.  Gigi wanted to see the world's largest Bass Pro and Ryan wanted to reenact a scene from Blazing Saddles.  #howthewestwaswon

And no Bass Pro trip is complete without an elevator ride to the very top to view all of downtown Memphis.

And because Ryan has more energy in him than I do when I drink five cups of coffee, we decided a trip to the park was a perfect way to end the weekend.  He totally dominates the slide.

And so does my husband....  Speaking of... this is what it looks like when a 30 year old, 6'3'' grown man tries to go down the slide.  He may or may not have gotten stuck.

Now let's hope that we stay healthy the rest of the week so we can enjoy a huge milestone celebration for Gigi!  Oh, and so that Russell and I can enjoy our getaway trip to Notre Dame this weekend.


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