
Thinking Out Loud | Mom Fail on My Toddler's Haircut

Thursday, April 30, 2015

First, I want to give a shout out to Amanda @ RunningwithSpoons for the link up.

It's #thinkingoutloud Thursday!

So lets get right to the point on this one...

1.  I totally pulled a #momfail and ruined my toddler's hair.  Ryan had been getting his hair trimmed where I get my hair done.  It's a nice salon and a bit pricey.  So after having to spend $25 on a toddler's haircut, I decided to take him to a cheaper salon for a $15 cut.  Bad idea...  I told the woman I wanted him to have a simple trim.  Here is how we usually love his hair:

Sweet little Ryan before the butcher...

See?  It's a cute little toddler boy cut.  A little comb over and not too short.  I told her EXACTLY how I wanted it.  And did she listen?  Nope.  Here is how my son's hair now looks:

No joke, my child looks like Lloyd from "Dumb and Dumber."  I haven't even taken a picture yet because I couldn't bring myself to do it.  But just take Lloyd's haircut and put it on my poor baby's head.  

Needless to say, I will NOT be going back to her and I will go back to paying $25 for my child's cut in the future.

I should have known better...Note to self:  Cheaper is Not Always Better....

2.  I am on a popcorn kick.  After discovering Gary Poppins popcorn, I have been craving popcorn like no other.  I guess it's better than some other cravings I could have....

These two beauties have been my trusty companions this week.

3. I need to stop worrying!  The last week has been a bit stressful at work, home, etc.  And, knowing I am just three weeks from a much needed vacation, I feel myself already mentally checking out.  Do you do that?  Find yourself going "vacation mode" when you still have three weeks left of work before you actually leave?  

I stumbled across this image earlier this week, and it really applies to my constant stress and worrying this week.  

So between reminding myself of this saying and singing the song "Let it Go" from the movie "Frozen."  I am going completely zen the rest of the week.

4.  Family is in town!  Holla!  My mother-in-law is on a plane right now and is landing soon to spend a nice long weekend with us.  She hasn't seen Ryan since his 1st birthday/Christmas, so I am super excited to have company and for her to see how much Ryan has grown leaps and bounds.



Recipe Wednesday | Spaghetti Squash with Meat Sauce

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I am a huge fan of the hearty classic spaghetti.  I mean, who isn't?  But, I always tend to overindulge and then regret piling the pasta on.

Over the years, I have made a conscience decision to eat healthier and really try hard at making our family meals delicious but also healthy.  A few years ago, I had heard about making spaghetti using spaghetti squash instead of pasta and from that point on, it was no turning back. NEVER AGAIN will I feel guilty loading my plate, and this low calorie/fat-free pasta alternative still allows me to feel like I am eating a hearty and filling meal.

If you are not totally familiar with Spaghetti Squash, it is a large yellow veggie you see that in the grocery store but are always afraid to buy because you don't know what to do with it.  At least, that is what I use to think. (See image to left.)

Once cooked, you can take your fork and "score" it and the insides shred like pasta (see image to right).  There is very little/no flavor, which makes it a GREAT pasta alternative.  The only real difference is that it does have a slightly crunchier texture that you may have to get used to the first time you make it, but you quickly forget about the second time around.

Here is my favorite recipe that I make using the veggie, turning a hearty classic into a healthy option!

Spaghetti Squash with Meat Sauce

Prep Time: 10min
Cook Time: 1hr

  • 1 Spaghetti Squash
  • 1lb ground hamburger meat (we use Organic Grass-Fed hamburger from Costco)
  • 1 jar of Pasta Sauce (we use Muir Glen Organic Garlic Roasted Garlic Pasta Sauce)
  • 3/4 Small onion
  • 2 Garlic cloves
  • Dash of Salt and Pepper to taste
-Preheat oven to 350. Pierce the whole spaghetti squash several times and place the whole squash in the oven once preheated. Let it cook for 1 hr.
-Dice up 3/4 of onion and mince garlic, set aside until read to mix with hamburger.
-Once squash is almost done, start browning your hamburger meat on medium/high on stove in skillet. Once done, drain hamburger.
-Return drained, return meat to skillet and mix in onion and garlic, sauteing for 2 minutes on medium/high. Then, mix pasta sauce in and let mixture heat up.  Add salt and pepper to taste.
-Pull squash out of oven after 1hr. Cut in half and scoop out seeds in the middle. Then, take fork and score the spaghetti squash (this removes the flesh in pasta like strands)
-After all scoring has been done, grab a plate and combine squash with meat mixture and enjoy!
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Do you have a favorite recipe you use with Spaghetti Squash?

Sweat Like a Pig, Look like a Fox

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I have never been one to love working out.   I do it for a number of things:

1.  I genetically have to.  I can't eat ice cream without it going to my thighs immediately after consuming.
2.  I recently found out money does not grow on trees (really?? such a shame) so I don't want to have to buy more clothes that will fit.
3.  I do love the rush of endorphins when I exercise.  I have never felt more like superwoman until after a workout.
4.  I want to live a long and healthy life.

I also do not have TONS of time on my hands.  So how do I make my workouts happen?  I make them quick.  Most, if not all, of my workouts are 30 min. or less.  I also focus on HIIT workouts. In an article on, "HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a training technique in which you give all-out, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods.  This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time."  (View the full article here.)

I wanted to share a few of my favorite treadmill workouts that I have been doing lately.  Yes, I am still on my BlackFire program with DailyBurn, but it is about to wrap up in a few days and I am going to start increasing more running back into the mix.  I pulled out my favorites to showcase today.

I always rotate them so that I keep my body guessing and not to hit a plateau in my workouts.  These below are pretty fun and definitely have me winded and sweaty afterwards.  The best part is that they are over in 30, but man do they work!

**Disclosure: I am NOT a fitness expert/professional.  This is just my personal opinion based on my experiences.  Consult a fitness expert/personal trainer if you have detailed questions.


Do you have any treadmill workouts you enjoy?

What is your favorite workout?

Weekend Recap | Okay, jokes over!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Happy Monday!  I am linking up with Katie for my weekend recap!

If you have been following my blog at all this month, you know that my little family has been sick more times than I can count in April.  It just so happened, that April was not done messing me us just yet...oh no!

Friday afternoon, I had to leave work to go to the doc and be put on a steroid, liquid antibiotic, ear drops, and lidocaine mouth wash because I had a nasty virus that was making my throat swell and feel like I was swallowing shards of glass and ear inflammation.  Then, my husband ended up with fever all weekend and a nasty sinus infection.  Oh happy days!   I am crossing fingers, saying prayers, and knocking on wood that Ryan doesn't catch anything.

Is it May yet?

I was on such a high dose of meds that by the end of the weekend, I was feeling pretty good and able to have a little fun!  Ryan didn't care of momma and daddy were sick, because that boy was wound up all weekend and having the time of his life!


Saturday - Saturday, we ran some errands and played outside at the house.  Ryan also decided that it was SUPER FUN to constantly pour all of his milk all over himself, so we gave up by the middle of the afternoon and just let him run around in his diaper.  That suited him jusssst fine.

On the phone with his agent.

Feeding Buddy something he isn't supposed to.

Oh you know, just making himself at home.

Sunday - Russell was feeling much worse on Sunday, so Ryan and I went to church while daddy rested.  When we got home, we all took a family nap.  (Side note- how glorious are weekend naps!  I mean really?!)

Of course the nap happened AFTER Ryan decided to change Buddy from doggie to pony!  Thank goodness Buddy has loads of patience with Ryan.

When I woke from the nap, I knocked out a killer HITT workout on the treadmill and then the rest of the house woke up.  Russell was feeling a bit better so we took Ryan to the park to release some of that toddler energy.  He was having a blast.  A cute little girl ran up to him and asked his name and he waved to her.  She was just darling and kept running by him and every time she did, he would squeal and try to run after her.  Ladies man folks!

You know we couldn't go anywhere without our trusty wagon.

He loves the slide!

My favorite picture of all-time!

Swing fun!

And there you have it.  So while the beginning of the weekend was rough, we certainly did our best to end it right.  

But seriously though, is it May yet?


I am taking bets, anyone want to take bets or guess when we will get sick again?

What was the best thing about your weekend?

Friday Favorites: 4/24/15

Friday, April 24, 2015

Thanks to Katie and Heather for the link-up!

I know I am coming at you a little later today than normal.  Sorry guys and gals!  The day has gotten away from me.  

Here are my #ffavorites (Friday Favorites) from this week.

1.  Flashback from last weekend.  Nothing melts my heart more than seeing daddy/son bonding time.  Looking forward to another weekend of it.

2.  Weeknight wagon rides.  This has become a new nightly routine for us.  Ryan LOVES his wagon and asks for it every night.  So, every night after dinner, we get the wagon and go for our walk.  Ryan is the most content toddler in that thing.  

3.  Mommy/son At-home date night.  If you didn't catch my post on this, you can here. Our very first mommy/son night was Wednesday night and it was a hit!  Ryan had so much fun and I had fun snapping photos of this nakey butt since he didn't want a diaper on.  Oh yes Ryan, you best BELIEVE this photo will haunt you when you are older.  

Other than the above, this week was pretty mellow with not too much happening.  Not a bad thing, but it was pretty slow.  As for the weekend, several visits to the park are in order, mixed with church, and normal house duties. 

Catch ya on the flip side!


Any favorites from the week you want to share?

Have any good weekend plans?

Thinking Out Loud | Mommy and Me Date Night

Thursday, April 23, 2015

First, I want to give a shout out to Amanda @ RunningwithSpoons for the link up.

Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!

Instead of just posting all the random things that may pop through my mind, this Thursday's #thinkingoutloud is about one revelation I had last night.  

Most nights, I get home from work and immediately get back to work.  I immediately start dinner for Ryan and I (Russell too, if he is not traveling).  Then I clean up, pack lunch for the next day, bathe Ryan, read our books and say our prayers, put Ryan to bed, workout, grab a quick post workout snack, tidy up the house, and then head to bed.   Shew, I am tired just thinking about it.  While I am cooking/cleaning/meal prepping for the next day, Ryan is usually close by playing, in his high chair eating a snack, or watching Mickey Mouse.

But last night, while doing my "get-to-work" nightly routine, I realized I wasn't spending as much time with Ryan in the evenings as I wanted.  Sure bath, books, prayers, and snuggles before bed were nice for us, but I was watching him play by himself while I "worked" around the house and it made me sad.  My baby toddler is only little for so long, I need to embrace the time I have.  So, instead of cooking, cleaning, etc., I heated up some leftovers I found so that we both had a quick dinner and then ditched everything else for my "at-home mommy/son date."

I took Ryan up stairs and we played for a long time in his room with all of his toys.  He laughed and squealed, and pulled out every toy to show momma so we could play with it.  I loved every minute.  At one point, he needed a diaper change but he refused to put a new diaper back on once he was clean, so, we went with it.  Nakey butt and I played in his room (while I secretly prayed he wouldn't pee on the floor), and he was having the time of his life.  After playing for quite some time, we picked up on our nightly routine with bath, books, prayer, snuggles, and then bed.  It was a full night of fun and one-on-one time with Ryan that I needed and I know he did too.  It was the perfect "at-home mommy/son date."

We quickly forget as parents, how much time we have left with our little ones before we blink and they are grown.  We get wrapped up in our "get-to-work" nightly routine around the house.  I am guilty of that.  I am Type-A and have my whole night on a schedule.  And, because Russell is gone during the week on travel, I have even more on my plate.  But really, can't I give up just one night of my schedule to fully immerse myself with my little boy?  Can't I give Ryan an "at-home mommy/son date night"?  Of course I can.  

So that is what I am going to do.  One night a week, I am going to stop cooking, cleaning, meal prepping, no workout, etc. to give every ounce of my attention to my growing boy.  He deserves that.


Do you find yourself wrapped up in nightly routines?  How do you deal with that?

Any good mommy/son date tips for the home or outside of the home?


Recipe Wednesday: Spinach Cheddar Turkey Nuggets

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It's HUMP Day! Yay!

Annnd, for the first time, I am linking up with Healthy Living Blogs for their Recipe Wednesday!

As a mother of a toddler, I have quickly discovered just how picky my child can be.  While I basked in the glory that my child loved veggies, he has now decided he doesn't want anything other than cheese or bread.  And since I am trying to raise a future Notre Dame football player (or Olympic Athlete, you take your pick), this refusal to eat anything other than cheese and bread is inhibiting this optimal athlete growth from happening.

I want to fuel his little body, and at the same time encourage him to eat all of the healthy options.  I don't want to force it, as I believes force just backfires and he pushes back, but I also don't want to ONLY "sneak" veggies in.  If you only offer veggies by "sneaking" them, then they just never learn to like it when it is in front of them.  I approach it in a combo kind of way.  At every meal, I offer veggies with whatever else Ryan is having.  Yes, it almost always ends up on the floor for our dog to eat, but Ryan knows it will always be there.  And while I always have a veggie out front and center, I do "sneak" some in his other food that I know he will eat, just to guarantee he is getting some in.

I am a HUGE fan of using spinach when making his food.  I food process it so that it breaks down in teeny tiny bits to easily mix in food and it also has such a mild taste, that it doesn't mess up the flavor of the food.  I mix it with his eggs in the mornings, his grilled cheese (when I give in to his obsession), etc.

I love making homemade nuggets for him at dinner too, and love processing veggies to mix in.  It gives me complete control over how much breadcrumb to use so that I know his nuggets are more meat and veggie loaded than breading.

Last night, I made Spinach Cheddar Turkey Nuggets and they were an absolute hit!  Ryan devoured them.  It had his cheese and a little bit of bread crumb (which he loves) but it also had lean turkey and spinach (which mommy loves).  We both were happy and I also devoured them.

So enjoy this recipe, my FIRST, for Recipe Wednesday!

Spinach Cheddar Chicken Nuggets

Prep Time: 10min
Cook Time: 30min
  • 1 pound of lean ground turkey
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 2/3 cup whole wheat bread crumb
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 cup finely chopped spinach
  • 1 egg
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a large baking sheet
2. Reserve 1/3 cup of breadcrumb.
3. Mix all remaining ingredients (minus the 1/3 breadcrumb) together.
4. Measure each nugget with a tablespoon and form into nugget shape. Dip into the 1/3 c. breadcrumbs for a light coat and spread evenly on baking sheet.
5. Bake for 15 minutes. Take out and flip, then bake for an additional 15 minutes until turkey is completely cooked.
6. Serve and enjoy or freeze!
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My April Stitch Fix Review

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

It's that time of the month!  Stitch Fix has become the ONLY way I shop for myself now.  Since I rarely get any "me" time with Russell traveling and then studying on the weekends, I don't get to just go shopping for clothes anymore.  Lets be honest, my toddler has the attention span of a gnat and will have a freak out if I spend more than a minute in a dressing room.  So, I just don't get to do it anymore.  Not that I am complaining though, because I have fully embraced Stitch Fix and it has given me the opportunity to refresh my wardrobe without leaving the house.

Last month, I told my stylist that for this month's fix, I wanted a good mixture or work and weekend wear.  I really feel like she came pretty darn close!

(I accidentally lost my style card, so I can't post the brand of the tops/bottoms... sorry!)

1.  This striped quarter sleeve SUPER COMFY top and the jeans.  I loved both and the jeans felt like pj bottoms but the price of the jeans was a bit high for my liking so I decided to KEEP the top and ditch the bottoms.  The top is perfect for me on the weekends to lounge in or dress with skinny jeans and wedges.
Top and Jeans
2.  This sleeveless blouse.  I loved the color and it had tiny hearts on it.  It would have been great to wear with a blazer to work but where the sleeves ended, it was pretty tight around my shoulders.  I decided NOT to keep.

3.  Gorgeous blue blouse. I LOVED the sleeves, to give it more of a classy look.  The cut and fit was perfect and such a great spring color.  Great to dress up for work or down for weekend.  I KEPT!  It was my favorite thing the my fix.

Annnd, I just noticed I have a crooked picture behind me...ooops
4.  Aztec print maxi dress.  This one I had a hard time with.  The dress felt amazing but I would have liked a different color.  It was a grayish blue and I already had a maxi that was a similar color.  I decided to not keep because of that.

Overall, I think the stylist was reallllly close to getting everything right.  And I LOVE the two tops I did keep.  In fact, I am wearing one today!


I am pairing the blue blouse with a black pencil skirt and some awesome earrings that have the same blue in them.  (Wish I would have gotten a close-up on those!)  It looks great for my work wear.

Annnd, there you have it.  My monthly fix.  I can't wait for next month's.  I asked for more "beach wear" since I get my fix just a few days before my beach vacation!

If you have never heard of Stitch Fix and want to know more, click on my link below and schedule your fix!

**Disclaimer: Just a heads up: The Stitch Fix link above is a referral link, so I earn Stitch Fix credit for anyone who signs up, but this post was not sponsored in anyway. (This blog is obviously not a fashion blog, so I doubt it’s even on Stitch Fix’s radar...I am FAR from being a fashion expert; that's why I NEED Stitch Fix.) If you sign up for Stitch Fix, you can use your referral link the same way and tell your family and friends about it, so you can earn credit too.


Have you tried Stitch Fix?

Like it, love it, or indifferent?

Would you have kept any of the items that I recieved?

Weekend Recap | Is that a duck on our lawn?

Monday, April 20, 2015

Hello there!

Our weekend was hands-down the best.  Our sweet little boy was dedicated at church and the rest of the weekend was full of family fun in the sun.  But why am I yapping?  Let me show you in pictures:

Ready for dedication!
Ryan had the sweetest outfit on that his great-grandmother (our Nannie) mailed him.  It was perfect and he looked like a little angel.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
The ceremony was wonderful and I got a little choked up.  Ryan was a character though.  He was yelling "yay" and clapping hands after other families did their dedications.  And then when it was his turn and we were on the stage, he wanted to be Mr. Showman and walk all around the stage.  What am I getting myself into with this one?

After church on Sunday, we did our Costco run and Ryan took his trusty dino backpack with him.  This Skip Hop dino backpack has seriously been the best.  I use it now as his diaper bag so that I don't have to lug the large bulky bag around.  It holds his toys, a few diapers, and a few other essentials (his books).  Ryan loves his little bag.  

When we pulled into our driveway from Costco, we had some guests that surprised us with a visit.  Mr. and Mrs. Duck came by.  Ryan was ECSTATIC but I am still trying to figure out, why our lawn?  There is no water, we have not dropped bread out there, and I certainly did not tell Russell we needed another pet.  

I snapped a few pics and let Ryan get semi-close, but as soon as we were going to let Buddy play with them (hehehe), they decided to fly away.  Darn, I was looking forward to a duck chase.  I am not trying to be mean, and I love ducks, but Buddy needed a little exercise and I wanted a good laugh :)

Then my toddler, who thinks he is grown, tried to escape the house.

caught ya!

So to settle the toddler rage that followed when I moved him from the door, we went on a wagon ride.  FYI, my child is OBSESSED with his wagon.  This was his 1st birthday gift from us and he walks right over to it every night requesting a ride.

Since Buddy didn't get to exercise with the ducks, we took him with us on our stroll.

Buddy looks like he is being choked here...he isn't, he is just being dramatic.

When we got back from our stroll, daddy was planting flowers so Ryan joined in for a lesson.  Russell is on a three week break from his MBA program so we got daddy all to ourselves ALL WEEKEND!

Life lessons from daddy

Can I help?



I am going to end my recap with this instant heart melt....

I can't get enough of this photo and my Schwartz boys.  I love them so much.  It was so nice to have a weekend with BOTH of my boys.



Anything exciting happen on your weekend?

Looking forward to anything in particular this week?

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