Russell and I got the nursery furniture put together this past weekend and things are starting to get real :) Now the only thing we have left to do is add the white chair railing to the walls and the pictures. Then, Ryan's sweet little nest will be complete.
This weekend, I am going to try and sucker Russell in to taking me to the "Mistletoe Merchants" show at the ag center...its just where hundreds of vendors line up and showcase some holiday product for some early XMAS shopping.
Russell's grandmother passed away yesterday so we are also on standby to hear about service arrangements so that we can try to schedule to attend.
Until next week...xoxox, Sherri
Survey says...

How far along?: 25 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: Up 1.6 from last week. I have to admit, I was quite relieved to see a smaller number on the scale. Not because I am afraid of weight gain, don’t get me wrong, but I want it to be sensible and healthy. I really want to stick to the healthy range my doc suggested of 25-35 lbs. It will help me physically, recover better, and not affect the baby’s growth at all. Total now = 16.6
Maternity clothes?: 75% now. Since my biggest months are in the fall/winter I am still able to wear my non-preggo cardigans (just unbuttoned) which helps. So it’s just lots of maternity pants, dresses, and layering tanks or t-shirts.
Sleep: Much better since I got back on the workout track but now getting back heartburn right before bed time. Oh and I am easily up 4 times a night to use the bathroom. But I can’t help it because my thirst skyrockets in the evenings.
Best moment of the week: I have really been enjoying staring at my belly and watching him move.
Movement: We still have a flipper. Seriously think he is just working on his
flips in there and boy are they strong.
Food Cravings: Really craving milk now. I have at least 2-3 glasses a day.
Food Cravings: Really craving milk now. I have at least 2-3 glasses a day.
Gender: BOY
Belly Button: It’s a flattie. Not quite in but not quite out.
Stretchmarks?: Not yet.
What I miss: Aside from a glass of wine in the evenings I am enjoying this way too much.
What I am looking forward to: In just 2 weeks I will be in my third trimester! So exciting and I just can’t hide it!
Stretchmarks?: Not yet.
What I miss: Aside from a glass of wine in the evenings I am enjoying this way too much.
What I am looking forward to: In just 2 weeks I will be in my third trimester! So exciting and I just can’t hide it!
Weekly Wisdom: Baby Ryan is the size of Cauliflower! He is enjoying his new sense of equilibrium as he now knows which ways is up and which is down. Annnd he is growing more fat and hair. (Here’s to wishing/hoping for a chunky baby!!)
Milestones: Getting Ryan’s furniture together. His crib, rocking chair, and dresser/changing table is all ready for his arrival. (minus his bedding…still need to order)
Added section:
Workouts: So
happy to get back on track with my workouts!
It feels so good and it really has been helping me sleep better.
Friday- Rest
Saturday- Rest (my back was KILLING ME from putting
baby furniture together all day. Rest
was much appreciated.)
Sunday- 30min. walking steep hill intervals.
Monday- Rest
Tuesday- Pure Barre Prenatal DVD + 1 mile dog walk
30 min VERY STEEP incline interval.
30 min. walk slight incline and light weights working (arm, shoulder, legs,
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