
(Catch Up) Survey Says: 8wk preggers

Sunday, June 23, 2013

(CATCH-UP) Survey says...

Written Monday, June 3rd

How far along?: 8 weeks and 3 days

Total weight gain/loss: I am up 2lbs but it fluctuates too much right now to be sure.

Maternity clothes?:  Continuing to feel “stuffed.”  I still haven’t given in to the Bella Band yet.  I. will. Squeeze. Into. My. Non-preggo. Clothes. For. As. Long. As. Possible.

Sleep: Continuing to be on and off.  Some days are good and most days are not.  Too much waking up to pee and being uncomfortable.

Best moment of the week: Realizing I only have 2 more weeks until I can see the baby again!

Movement: Nope.

Food Cravings: Dill pickles and HOT salsa…no not together.

Gender: I am too wishy washy.  Now I am thinking girl.  HA!  I still have a few months before we find out.

Belly Button: Still in.

Stretchmarks?:  Nope.

What I miss: Not being sick at the sight, taste, smell, and thought of any meat.  That is my MAJOR food aversion for the last 2 weeks.  Chicken- NOPE, Fish- Nope, Beef- Nope…its useless.

What I am looking forward to: Seeing my baby again in 2 weeks and my dad coming into town this weekend!

Weekly Wisdom: I’ve got nothing…I am having major preggo brain lately. 

Milestones: Last month of the 1st trimester!  Let’s go!

Exhaustion best describes this picture.  Annd my belly is not as flat as it used to be now.  Really started to tell tiny changes of less bloat more substance during week 8.

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