
(Catch Up) Survey Says: 10wk preggers

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Survey says...

Written Thursday, June 20th

How far along?: 10 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: From the doctor’s office on my visit today I am only up 2 lbs. which I find fantastic that I didn’t let myself get overboard this 1st trimester.  The doc said average is 0-5 lbs 1st trimester and I am right in the middle.  Now going into 2nd and 3rd trimester the goal is 1lb a week.  Here we go….

Maternity clothes?:  Ha!  I tried on some pieces this weekend and I am not quite ready for them but I got 2 belly bands for my birthday last week and they have worked PERFECT with my work pants and skirts so I can unbutton them and no one will know J

Sleep: like a baby.

Best moment of the week: My doctors appt today J  Getting to see and hear the baby and knowing all is well.

Movement: still have about a month or so to go…

Food Cravings: pickles, goldfish, guac.  (you see the salty trend here?)  And I made a mean batch of broccoli cheddar soup that is delish!

Gender: I can’t wait to find out!  Still have until probably early Aug. to wait.

Belly Button: Still in.

Stretchmarks?:  Nope.

What I miss: There were a few times this week I could have used a glass of wine….And now I really miss it.

What I am looking forward to: Finally getting to let the cat out the bag TODAY to everyone about this little blessing I am carrying around!

Weekly Wisdom: Little babe is the size of a prune and is moving around in there…just too little for me to feel quite yet.  Tiny nails are forming on fingers and toes and their peach fuzz is growing on their soft skin.

Milestones: Celebrating my big 2-6 bday with Russell, Eleanor (MIL), and aunt Donna. 

teeny weeny belly


  1. So excited you're blogging! Can't wait to read about your pregnancy... I know I love looking back at my posts and am thankful to have those memories because once baby is here you won't remember anything!! Congrats :):)

    Here's mine!!

  2. Thank you so much!! I will definitely start following yours too so I can see that handsome little man you have :)


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