
April showers bring May visitors... oh and mosquitos!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I can't believe we are wrapping up April everyone!  In less than 1 month Russell and I will be celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary.  What a whirlwind of a year it has been.

Out here on the home front we are starting to FINALLY see consistantly warmer weather.  The pollen bombing is starting to dwindle to the point where we are finally being able to enjoy our little "patio oasis" that we set up without hacking up a lung and sneezing your nose off.  See!  Super cozy :)

It is so nice to sit out there until death by mosquitos happen.  Yes friends, it is mosquito season and if you thought VA had some large mosquitos then its like alien vs. predator here.  They are gy-normous and like to sneak in your house at night and go on the attack and eat you alive in your sleep.  Our neighbors probably think we run a martial arts training camp in our living room at night with the amount of sweet Chuck Norris moves we do to try and catch these suckers.  True story.  The only difference is improvise with fly swatters and non nunchucks.

Nothing made me happier though, this past weekend, than grilling out on our patio with wine in my hand and relaxing with Russell before our insect visitors came for the evening.  Well almost nothing... there was the previous weekend of enjoying a nice cold margarita at Chiwawa's in mid-town Memphis during the Crawfish Festival... now that made me quite happy too.  The only thing that will make that better is being able to enjoy Chiwawa's tequila sno-cones everyone raves about.  Think about it, if kids can enjoy sno-cones why can't adults have a "spruced up" one??  Genius.

Starting May 11th we almost 6 weekends in a row with visitors which Russell and I are so thrilled about.  Russell's BFF Joe is coming home from a 1-year deployment in Korea and he is taking a pit stop to visit us.  For those of you who don't remember...Joe was supposed to be a groomsman in our wedding but had to deploy just a few weeks before the wedding.  So naturally, we have lots of celebrating to do when he comes in town.

The very next weekend 2 of my BFF's come visit.  Kendall (bridesmaid in wedding) and Heath (my brother from another mother) are coming in town to experience BBQ Fest with us.  With the three of us together there are always laughs beyond laughs.  It will be like a mini wedding reunion as they will be here the weekend of our anniversary :)

Following that, Dad Schwartz comes in to visit during Memorial Weekend, Dad Edwards visits June 7-8th and potentially we have both Mom's trying to schedule visits. 

All of this makes for a fun-filled busy late Spring/early Summer.  Sidenote- I don't even think we had a went from 40's to HOT as HADES in no time.

Tata everyone :)

XOXO, Sherri

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