
Friday Favorites | Toddler Survival Guide for Road Trips

Friday, May 20, 2016

Thanks to Katie and Heather for the link-up!

Today at 4:30pm, I get to put my out-of-office message on and kick back for over seven days and get some much needed R&R.  Sun, sand, beach, and outlet malls are calling my name.  

In order to get to our cottage we rented at OBX, we do have to endure a 4.5hr car ride with our toddler that is deep into the "terrible twos."  Granted, a 4.5hr ride is much more doable than when we lived in TN, and had 15hr rides... but if you are a mom or dad and have a toddler, even a 10 minute drive to the grocery store can seem too long.

How to entertain a 2-year-old at the beach

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

We are t-minus four days out from our annual family vacation at OBX in North Carolina. That also means I am four days away from an endless amount of bad food and pina coladas...and not even feeling guilty about it.

Guilty pleasures.

This time last year, Ryan was almost 1 1/2 and there were no toddler meltdowns. He wasn't very entertained by the sand buckets yet and was iffy about the water. He more or less cared about naps and stealing golf balls from putt putt.

This year, we have to come even more prepared to entertain a busy body.

So what's being packed for our 2-year-old toddler?

Weekend Recap | Mother's Day and the thrill seeker

Monday, May 9, 2016

Happy Monday!  I am linking up with Katie for my weekend recap!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.  I can honestly say this might have been my favorite yet! Russell had to go out of town the first half of the weekend so I packed Ryan and myself up and we headed to GiGi's house in VA.  I haven't spent Mother's Day with my mom since I don't know when, so it was special that we could share part of the weekend together.

GiGi and I took Ryan on his FIRST trip to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA, so we could introduce him to roller coasters.  It's safe to say that he was hooked and I haven't laughed that much in forever.

When we drove back to NC on Sunday, all Ryan wanted to do was tell Dada all about every ride he rode and that he got to meet Grover and Elmo from Sesame Street.

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