
20 Get to Know Me Questions

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

During my free time during the week, (yes I do squeeze some in here and there) I enjoy reading my list of favorite blogs that I have and learning more about the author behind them.  We all write about our families, lives, etc, so it is nice to know a little more about the person right?  I stumbled across this "Get to Know Me" survey Ashley @ A Lady Goes West wrote and thought it would be perfect to incorporate into my post today so that YOU can get to know ME :)

So here goes nothing...

20-Question "Get to Know Me"

1. What’s your whole name?
Sherri Edwards Schwartz (Edwards is my maiden name)
2. Are you named after anyone?
3. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have one younger sister who lives in North Carolina
My sister and I at Ryan's 1st birthday party.  She is younger but MUCH taller than me! (I was wearing heels)

4. Where did you grow up?
Virginia!  I was born and raised in a teeny town called Franklin (about an hour outside of Virginia Beach).
5. What activities did you do in high school?
I danced for 15 years, was in Varsity cheering, Varsity Tennis, member of DECA (President my senior year), and competed in pageants.  (Was Miss Virginia National Teenager in 2004.)
DECA trip to Orlando, FL my senior year of high school. (me in center with shorts)

6. Where did you go to college?
I went to George Mason University!  GM-U-know!
7. What activities did you do in college?
I was in Alpha Phi in college and was Director of Philanthropy for A Phi my junior year.
My senior year of college with my little, grand little, and great grand little

My initiation day

8. What did you study in college?
Major in Journalism and minor in Business Administration.
9. What was your first job out of college?
My first job out of college, I was an Inside Account Manager with ADS.  ADS is a government distributor and my customers with West Coast Navy.
10. What kind of music do you like?
I like a mix of everything but you will mostly find me listening to alternative and pop.  Love the dance beats!  I occasionally get on an 90's hip hop kick.
11. What’s one hobby that you’d like to take up?
I wish I was crafty and could refurbish furniture.  I have seen so many pieces that have been painted and stained that I love.  To buy a used/cheap piece and make it look awesome and contemporary... man, what a skill/hobby.
12. What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up?
I KNEW I was going to be the next Katie Couric.  Seriously, ask anyone who knew me.  I even interned at the Washington, DC, NBC studios.
13. What’s the biggest project on your to-do list right now?
Painting my one of my spare bathrooms.  I have an extra can of paint from when we painted our master bath (a year ago) and it is enough to do one of our other baths.  But I have been putting it off for a year.
14. Do you have any irrational fears?
I am terrified of lightening.  I am such a baby about it.  It all stems from one summer in high school where I was leaving a house I was babysitting at.  A storm was approaching and as soon as I stepped out the house, lightening struck the tree 20ft. away...then, just an hour later, another storm approached and lightening struck my house and I was in the living room.  From that point on, I was dunzo.  No more lightening for me.
15. Have you ever traveled outside the country? If so, where and when?
I studied abroad for 2 week to Cuernavaca, Mexico my sophomore year of college.
With my abroad roommate at one of the ruins.

16. When’s your next vacation and where are you going?
We are taking our very first family vacation since Ryan was born, in May.  We are heading to the Outer Banks in North Carolina to celebrate our 3-yr anniversary and my husband's 30th birthday for the week.
Our wedding day, May 19, 2012.  Hard to believe it will be three years.

17. Do you speak any other languages?
I wish I remembered my Spanish since I had to take all four years of it in college but I can't.  I mean, I can remember key phrases and words but I cannot write it.
18. What’s one talent that you wish you had?
I really wish I could sing.  I am so envious of the beautiful singers and I feel so bad for Ryan to have to hear ME sing to him at night.
19. What’s something that you wish you did more of?
I wish I had more vacation time to visit our family.  Our family on both sides in back in Virginia and since we are in Memphis, flights are expensive, and it's a 14-hr car ride, we don't get home as often as we like.  I hate it for Ryan, not knowing his family as well as we would like.
20. If you weren’t in your current job, what would you want to be doing?
I really would love to be a radio dj.  I have my favorite show I listen to in the mornings on my way to work and they are always goofing off and just talking about all kinds of crazy stuff.  Seems like more fun than work; sign me up!

So there you go!  That's 20 answers to 20 questions about me.  You learn something new?


Are there any other questions you would add to this survey?

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Any irrational fears?

Weekend Recap | Easter Bunny - Round 2

Monday, March 30, 2015

Oh Happy Monday!

Our weekend went perfectly!  Saturday, Ryan and I did some shopping at the Spring Market that was being held at the Agricenter here in Memphis.  There were TONS of vendors and I picked up a book for Ryan and some natural/homemade treats for Buddy for Easter.  (Yep!  Buddy gets treats from the Easter Bunny too!)

After that we took a quick trip to the grocery store where Ryan picked out a snack for himself (Mandarin Oranges).

And then immediately, after I snapped these photos (above), he threw the orange cup across the aisle and it busted everywhere.  I love my child's enthusiasm for sports/throwing, but we have GOT to work on learning when, where, and WHAT is appropriate to throw.  

Sunday, we went to church and had a great Palm Sunday service and Ryan looked so adorable in his church gear, I had to take a pic.

Sunday afternoon, Ryan and I were taking a stroll with his wagon when it hit me... WE HAD TOTALLY FORGOTTEN TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH THE EASTER BUNNY THIS YEAR.  It was total mom panic.  We hurried home and I yelled for Russell who was upstairs studying.  He came down and I told him to pack up and head to the mall with us, our son needed a pic with the bunny rabbit.  

We were laughing in the car ride there about Ryan's experience last year with the bunny.  If you didn't get to read about his blowout, read here.  The whole experience last year was hilarious and stressful and we just knew this year would be easier.  Sure, we expected our son would probably cry since he was a year older, but glad we didn't have to deal with everything else that went into last year.  Well Ryan must have read our thoughts and totally comprehended our conversation, because as soon as we pulled up, he decided to vomit all over himself.  And the stench was awful.  I tried to clean him up with wipes and pray that it dry in time for the photos.  While waiting in line and holding him, we laughed at what seemed like a round 2 visit.  The vomit smelled so bad, I just knew everyone around us could smell him.  Ryan didn't seem to mind though, he was still in good spirits.  He locked eyes with the bunny several times but didn't cry, to our astonishment.  When it was time, I plopped Ryan down, smelly and all, and hurried away quickly.  The Easter Bunny probably thinks we never bathe our child, poor guy.  Ryan didn't cry, and took it like a champ.  We got an excellent picture out of it and then quickly collected our kid and made a b-line for the bath tub as soon as we got home.  

We have decided that we are guaranteed a disastrous reunion with the bunny man every year.... until we meet again Mr. Bunny!


Did you have a great weekend?

How did your child/children react to the Easter Bunny?

Friday Favorites: 3/27/15 | My love of the Target dollar bin

Friday, March 27, 2015

Thanks to Katie and Heather for the link-up!

Happy Friday!!!

You have noooooo idea how glad I am to see Friday.  This week seemed to drag by.  Russell was out of town all week and Ryan was still getting over his ear infection and 15-mo shots, so he was extra sensitive/cranky.  Because he wasn't feeling himself, I did not get too much done around the house so that I could snuggle with my little man.

Even my workouts seemed extra tough since the week felt a little "off."  But that's all in the past because it's FRIDAY and the weekend is upon us!  Woohoo!!

Here are some my Friday Favorites (#ffavorites) of the week:

1.  The $1-$3 bin at the front of Target.  I work right next to Target so I find myself in there on my lunch breaks almost every day.  I also would love to find a person who goes into Target and doesn't spend less than $40 every visit.  I just can't help myself.  The most random things find themselves in my shopping cart and home with me.  On the days I am successful at talking myself out of buying the unnecessary, I feel like I have beat Goliath.

But back to the $1-$3 bin...  I found some AWESOME $3 sunglasses for myself.  I have bought designer shades in the past, but I cannot keep them in good condition for the life of me.  They are usually scratched within a few days or lost/broken because of a toddler.  Cheap glasses are the way to go people, and these shades made their way home to me this week.

$3??!! Yep!  And check this handsome little man out in the back just cheesing.

2.  Ryan when he just wakes up. This face below, is the face that greats me every morning and it is one of the best parts of my day.

3.  My sandwich this week!  Last week, I got a craving to make a delicious sandwich for lunch all week.  I bought all the ingredients I was craving and it did not disappoint.  Whole wheat bread, 1/2 avocado, onion, jalapeno, nitrate free turkey slices, spinach, and 1 slice of cheese.  

I don't take good food pictures.  But hey, I tried.

Thinking Out Loud | Can I wear pj's to work?

Thursday, March 26, 2015

First, I want to give a shout out to Amanda @ RunningwithSpoons for the link up.

Its #thinkingoutloud Thursday!

1.  I woke up this morning pretty tired and secretly wishing it was Friday and that I could wear my pj's to work.  Which got me thinking, why can't work have "Spirit Weeks" like you have in high school and college JUST so that I can participate in Pajama Day?  Just sayin...

2.  Handstand kick ups are NOT for me.  So part of my Black Fire workout through DailyBurn has gymnastics strength in it.  Last nights scheduled work out was the gymnastics strength portion.  1st move to do.... the handstand kick up.  If you had recorded me, I seriously would have looked like a fish out of water flapping around.  It would have been the funniest thing you would have seen in a while, trust me.

3. Ryan only wakes up EARLY during the week right when I am in the middle of my morning routine.  I usually wake up earlier than Ryan so that I can get up and get completely put together before I get him.  Because if not, Ryan is pushing me out the way and meddling in my makeup drawer or pulling my jewelry out and making a mess. Well, it seems like every day this week, Ryan has decided to get up way earlier and throw my routine for a loop.  I hear him talking, and look on our monitor, and see him dancing in his crib and having a good ole time screaming "mama." I swear, that child has an internal clock set to wake up on "mama is in the middle of getting ready, get up now!"

4.  Apple cider vinegar can seriously be used for anything!  I have pretty sensitive skin and have hormonal breakouts semi frequently.  I love using toner on my face, but I always think it is pretty pricey for what I get.  And, over the last year I have been trying to use very gentle and more of the natural ingredients on my face.  I have actually had less breakouts going that route.  I read about the benefits of apple cider vinegar and using it as a toner.  It balances the pH level of your skin, clears excess oils, breaks up dead skin cells to keep pores open, lighten sun and age spots, and improve acne and acne scars.  All you have to do is use unfiltered ACV such as Braggs (which you can buy at Walmart, etc for very cheap, and you mix half and half).  Take a container and mix half filtered water and half ACV....and you have created a GREAT toner for your face to use.  Warning...the smell is strong at first, but you get used to it and it dies down on your face.

I used an glass lemonade bottle and washed it out to use.


Do you have a natural recipe you use for your skin care routine?

Does your child love to mess with your morning routine?

Any workout move you can't stand?

DailyBurn - Thoughts so far.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

In a post of mine a few weeks ago (read here), I went into pretty good detail on getting my body back after baby.  The last few months of it, when I had reached my desired pre-baby weight, the number was where I wanted it but I was not as strong as before.  So to fix that, I decided to make it a goal of mine to build my strength back up.

I have always been one who did better in a competitive or goal-oriented environment when it came to working out.  I pushed myself harder and would not talk myself out of workout out even if I was tired.  But, when I became pregnant, I decided to fore go my gym membership and just workout at home since it would be hard to fit that in during the week.  Even though the local gyms have daycare around here, Ryan's schedule would not let me workout until after he sleeps, so daycare wasn't an option and Russell is out of town during the week... See the dilemma?

For the past year since Ryan was born, I was running on the treadmill and doing Pure Barre workout videos.  While that really helped me bounce back within a year, I felt like I hit a plateau and wanted to push myself again.  After reading about Beachbody programs and DailyBurn, I decided to go the DailyBurn route.  Heard about it?  No?  Then let me tell you.

With DailyBurn, you can:

1. Workout with any DailyBurn trainer, whenever you want
2.  Cost is $12.95/mo
3.  All you need is an Internet connection to stream it from your laptop, smart TV, phone, PlayStation, and more.
4. TONS of workouts to choose from based on your fitness level AND how much time you have.
5.  Nutrition recommendations at your fingertips

I joined three weeks ago, and after I answered a few fitness level questions, they recommended workouts and programs for me to do.  I decided to do Bob Harper's Black Fire program.  It is a 60-day program for the more advanced workout, and it has given me the drive/competitive edge back that I was missing in my workouts. All of Black Fire's workouts are less than 30 minutes and I am telling you, I am DRENCHED when I am done.  Black Fire has a ton of tabata workouts and HIIT training, so if you are used to this, I think you will feel right at home.  I love it because it pushes me to my limits of exhaustion. But I walk away after 30 minutes, with a workout completed and know that I worked hard for that sweat :)

What I feel right after my workout:

Me, right after a DailyBurn workout

What I feel during my workout:
What goes through my mind.  But don't get me wrong, I secretly LOVE it.

But the Black Fire program might not be for you, and that is a-okay because there are SO MANY more for you to choose from!  They even have prenatal yoga (why didn't I discover this a year ago?).

Most workouts require minimal equipment and I do it in our "multi-purpose" room above our garage.  Now I normally don't take "selfies" of myself (especially ones in minimal workout gear) but this pic below was taken right after a workout during week 1.  I was hot/sweaty but wanted to take a photo to show some before so that I can have one to compare after 60 days of the Black Fire program through DailyBurn.

See!  Ya don't need much!
Week 1.  Can't wait to see results after the 60-days.

So what am I going to do after my 1st DailyBurn program Black Fire is over?  Why, I am going to choose ANOTHER one to try!  I don't think I will be hitting a plateau again soon.  I will also give a thorough review after I complete the 60-day Black Fire program to showcase my success thus far.

I really recommend giving DailyBurn a try, and it is much cheaper than a gym membership.  Especially, since the most you will need in some workouts is a pair of dumbbells that you can pick up at Walmart.

**Oh and FYI, this post was not sponsored by DailyBurn.  Just my opinions, and I am not a health and fitness expert.

I would love to hear if you decide to give it a try. The first 30 days are FREE.  Let me know!



Do you have a workout you recommend?

15-mo Check Up & Temper Tantrums

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Yesterday, Ryan turned 15 months old and had his check up with the doc.  I swear, someone has hit the fast-forward button on my life.  It seems like yesterday he was a 6lb 15oz baby and now he is a little man.

Weight & Height

Ryan is weighing in at 24lb 12oz and 32in long!  He is in the 80th percentile for both.  It is hilarious watching me hold Ryan, the kid is like half my size.  I am 5'2 but Russell is 6'3, so it is obvious where he is getting that length from!  I guess that means he and I will be the same size when he is 5, haha!


Ryan has always been an excellent eater and has loved his veggies and fruits.  He actually has preferred them over meats.  Now that he is a toddler however, we are starting to see him get a little picky.  He still eats his fruits and veggies, but what he likes one day, is not what he likes the next. The only constant is cheese...boy, does this boy love cheese.  Oh, and avocado.  He easily eats a 1/2 an avocado a day.  Ryan also loves to feed our dog Buddy and throw food.  The wall near his highchair looks disgusting and we will definitely be painting that wall again when we finally break him of throwing food.  He thinks it is funny watching momma scrub the wall.  

Moms out there... any ideas on how to break your toddler of this habit!?


Ryan takes a 2 hr. nap every day from 12-2 and usually goes down for bed between 7 - 7:30 and sleeps until 7ish.  He did have a regression a couple weeks ago where he was up fussing a couple times a night for about a week.  He also was cutting teeth and really had a growth spurt during that time.  Overall, he is really good with sleep and goes down fairly easily for nap and bedtime.  Every night right before sleep we have bath time, teeth brushing, cuddles in the rocking chair, and reading a book and saying prayers.  It's our nightly routine that doesn't change.  I really think that helps because it is what he has come to expect.  Ryan is definitely the toddler that has always worked best with a schedule.


Ryan is definitely in a awkward stage with his clothing.  He is tall enough for 24-mo clothes but, they are very loose in the waist.  He is just a long and lean guy that he will always have that struggle.  Is 18-mo shirts have his belly poking out at the bottom and the pants fit in the waist but are high-waters on him.  And then, when I do put him in 24-mo's they are great in the length but then are falling off in the waist.  


Boy is Ryan a social butterfly! And, the BIGGEST flirt.  He has a girlfriend at daycare already and they do everything together.  I also picked him up from class the other day and they told me he was giving everyone he saw kisses.  (Am I in trouble or what when he is a teenager.)  He dances every time he hears music and claps his hands if you start singing songs he likes.  He calls our dog Buddy his "Bubba," and he says ball and loves to throw the ball to you.  Others he says are "Thank you,"  sometimes "Love you," and he waves and says "Bye Bye."  Oh and everything is "Uh Oh!"

On another social note, Ryan has discovered his temper and boy does he throw one.  I swear he has already entered the "terrible two's."  He pouts when you say the word "no," and throws things when he is mad.  Oh he also throws himself out on the floor when he is mad.  That part is no bueno. This morning he was in a bad mood so I gave him the remote to his fan to play with/distract him while I changed him.  He got so mad at me, that he chucked it at my head.  Hello kid??  You are 15-mo and you already have a cannon of an arm on you?  

Mad face.  Got caught messing with dads stuff.

New since his 1-yr check up

In the last three months since he turned 1, he has grown leaps and bounds!  He started walking, talking more, learning to feed himself with a spoon and fork, throwing temper tantrums, dancing, FINALLY waving hi and bye bye, FINALLY clapping his hands, and giving kisses all the time.  He also loves books.  I have always tried to read to Ryan at night but he never cared for it and would take the book from me mid-sentence and launch them across the room.  I still kept going though, and read even if he wasn't listening.  Finally, within the last month, he has been bringing books to me to read and loves holding his books in the car.  Persistence pays off!  

I have said it time and time again, and I will say it again, I love being a mommy to this amazing little boy!  It is both the most rewarding job and the saddest.  Sad because they grow so fast, rewarding because you are watching your child grown into a beautiful person.  One who loves unconditionally and looks up at you as their super hero.


Any ideas on quick but healthy toddler meals?

Any idea on how to break the throwing food habit?

Weekend Recap and My Stitch Fix Review

Monday, March 23, 2015

Happy Monday!

Our weekend in the Schwartz household was perfect!  Friday night, I was exhausted and actually went to bed around 8:30 so Saturday I woke up early with the baby but totally refreshed.  On Saturday, we went to the local toy store (The Village Toymaker) and let Ryan indulge in some fun and then Sunday we went to church and relaxed since it rained all day.

On another note, I am pretty sure the toy store could not wait for us to leave and probably really don't want us to come back.  Now that Ryan is walking and building his confidence, he demanded to walk all over the store by himself.  He especially wanted to when he found a Melissa and Doug (#MelissaandDougtoys) shopping cart.  Once he set his sights on that beauty, it was game over.  He walked all over that store and even stopped by the book section and started loading his cart full of books.  Then, he managed to run the cart into every glass cabinet with a bang.  I was pretty sure we were not only going to be buying a few toys but also the glass cabinets I was sure he was going to break.  We didn't walk away buying the Melissa and Doug shopping cart but I wish we had.  Maybe a visit back next weekend to buy it??  Or is it too soon?  They probably have our pictures posted with a sign saying "do not let them in."

I loved seeing Ryan so excited though, and realized he totally got my love for shopping.  Maybe a future professional shopper?  Or if they ever bring back that show "Supermarket Sweep," maybe he will be a future contestant.

All screams and giggles

In the zone

Now on to my review of Stitch Fix. (#Stitchfix) I have been shopping through stitch fix for almost a year now.  I stumbled upon it through word of mouth and I am so glad I did.

If you don't know what Stitch Fix is, it is a website that allows you to shop out of the comfort of your own home.  You sign up on their website and fill out a personal style quiz.  From there, you will have a personal stylist pick out five personalized pieces to send to you.  Once you receive your clothes, you have three days to try them on, and ship back the rest.  You only pay for what you keep and the cost of shipping the items you don't want back is free.

You can schedule to have your "fix" sent to you monthly or at your convenience.  There is a $20 styling fee, BUT, if you decide to keep anything, that $20 is then applied towards your order.   They also give you style index cards with pictures/ideas on how to style the clothes that they sent you.  Thank goodness, because I need all the help I can get.

Also, they JUST added clothing for maternity and petites.  You best believe I will be using that for my next baby.  So without further ado, here was this month's fix for myself.

My index card style recommendations

All my goodies to try on.

Shirt #1: Laila Jayde - Bowie Solid Dolman Sleeve Top in Gray.  Super Comfy!
Kut from the Kloth- Parcey Polka Dot Skinny Jean.  The jeans fit like a glove!

Papermoon - Cresson Knit Top.  This top was so cute and flattering and very comfortable.

Pixley - Ivy Petal Print Blouse.  Fell. In. Love. With. This. Shirt.

Look by M - Ines Abstract Print Wrap Scarf.

I decided to only keep the Ivy Petal Print Blouse with this fix.  All of the other items I returned. I loved the fit of the jeans but I am not too adventurous with printed jeans so I talked myself out of the polka dots.  I am also not a big scarf wearer in the spring/summer months.  I loved the colors and it was very thin, but I opted out.  In regards to the Cresson Knit top and the Dolman Sleeve top, both were super comfy but I have a lot of gray and blue colored shirts so I decided to send them back.  If they were a different color, I probably would have kept them.  I kept the Ivy Petal blouse because I loved the bright flowers and the fit was super cute!  Would be great to dress up for work or wear on the weekends with jeans.

That is what's so great about Stitch Fix.  I never leave my house and have to bribe my toddler with toys or treats to behave while momma shops/tries on.  Its the greatest idea ever!  Not only that, but when you checkout and purchase the items you want to keep online, you let them know your thoughts, likes, dislikes, and what you would like differently in your next fix and they really pull through.  I asked them for some beach wear in my next fix since I am heading to the OBX on our family vacation at the end of May so i can't wait to see what they come up with.  I have my fix scheduled monthly, but you have control over how frequently you want them scheduled. 

**Disclaimer: Just a heads up: The Stitch Fix link above is a referral link, so I earn Stitch Fix credit for anyone who signs up, but this post was not sponsored in anyway. (This blog is obviously not a fashion blog, so I doubt it’s even on Stitch Fix’s radar...I am FAR from being a fashion expert; that's why I NEED Stitch Fix.) If you sign up for Stitch Fix, you can use your referral link the same way and tell your family and friends about it, so you can earn credit too.


Friday Favorites: 3/20/15

Friday, March 20, 2015

Thanks to Katie and Heather for the link-up!

Happy Friday and Happy PayDay!  Here’s to feeling less broke for just a few more days J  Seriously though, how happy do you get when you wake up and realize you just got paid?  And now I have LunchMoney Lewis' song "Bills" in my head.  Have you heard it? I do a happy dance.... until I realize it is all going to food and diapers.  Dagnabit!

True Blood Season 7
Yes, I know the series is over but I don’t have HBO so I have had to rely on Netflix for my fix.  Just got the first disc of the last season this week.  Now on to binge watching while Ryan naps.  Sorry I’m not sorry.

Secrets and Lies
While Ryan was sick yesterday and I was home, there was nothing on tv so I decided to start watching the series Secrets and Lies that comes on ABC on Sunday nights.  I have seen the previews and was interested in watching, and OnDemand had all of the episodes thus far.  Ummm, I watched all 4 episodes and I am hooked!  Sunday night's just got better for me.  Secrets and Lies followed by know where to find me Sunday night if you need me.

Stitch Fix

My monthly fix came in and boyyy do I love it.  What a nice way to shop and buy clothes without even leaving the comfort of my home and not having to bribe a toddler to be good with snacks while in a store.  Want to know more about Stitch Fix?  I will have a more detailed post about it next week. #stitchfix 

This cutie

Being a mommy is the BEST job in the world.  I just can’t get enough of this little guy.


Now on to enjoying my weekend with the fam!  So glad the weather is finally feeling more like spring.  A visit to the park is on the books and some much needed flower bed work. 
Enjoy your weekend!


What are some of your favs from the week?

Any good weekend plans? 

Thinking Out Loud

Thursday, March 19, 2015

First, I want to give a shout out to Amanda @ RunningwithSpoons for the link up.

1. Your child only gets sick when you have a hard time taking off work.  Seriously, I swear that is the only time it happens.  Ryan woke up this morn with a 101.3 fever and after Russell took him to the doctor this morning, he has an ear infection.  But, Russ has to head out of town this afternoon, so I get to spend my afternoon at home cuddling my baby.  Not that I mind that, but it always happens when a lot of other people are out in my department.  You feel guilty leaving work, but you feel even more guilt by not being home with your baby.  #workingmomprobs

2. Even when he is upset, he is seriously the cutest. (Disclaimer: This was taken last night when I did not know he was sick and just thought he was mad at me for not holding him while cooking.  But he has the cutest little face.)

3.  I am finishing up reading the book American Sniper by Chris Kyle.  Saw the movie and loved it, but the book is even better.  I have mad props for our military and respect their sacrifices they make on a daily basis.  On another note though, now I need to read another book... do you have a good book to recommend??  Let me know!

4.  I have recently had a hankering for a breakfast burrito.  It hit me while I was at work the other day.  I am talking about a mouth watering just thinking about it hankering.  Ever get those?  It was almost like a severe craving you get when you're pregnant.... and no, I am not :)  So this weekend, I am heading to the store to grab my ingredients.  I'm thinking, whole wheat tortilla, scrambled egg, a little turkey bacon, salsa, onion, spinach, cheese, and a few jalapenos.  Yum!

I know the post was short and sweet today, but I have a sick bambino to take care of.  See you later!



Got a good book you think I should read?

What have your food cravings been lately?

Surviving the week while your husband travels

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

When we moved to Memphis, TN in Nov. 2012, we knew Russell's promotion meant that he would be gone pretty much every week and only return for the weekends.  But, it was a wonderful opportunity for him we couldn't pass up.  Then, in August 2014, Russell started his online MBA program his company offered to pay for and that put him busy on the weekends.  Being gone during the week and then studying on the weekends makes it pretty chaotic for me during the weeks while chasing a toddler around, cleaning a house, and fitting in workouts, while balancing a 40 hr work week.  How do I do it?  Here are the steps:

1. Schedule, schedule, schedule!
Being the Type A person that I am, structure is key...its like I live for it.  But I have found that creating a strict schedule has been KEY for our weekly balance at home. From sun-up to sun-down, everything is scheduled and it runs like a well oiled machine.  My husband thinks I schedule too much of our life but it works best for me during the week when I am the only one here and juggling our chaotic life.  And, if I didn't schedule every aspect of the day, then I wouldn't be able to squeeze in my "me" time while I value so that I don't lose it.

2. Quick dinners to eat on all week
My motto: If it can't be cooked in 30 or less, then I'm not making it! If it weren't for quick dinners, I swear I would starve.  There is so much to do when I get home in the evenings and not enough hours!  I have worked really hard at collecting a list of delicious recipes that take 30min or less to make that feed Ryan and I and give enough for leftovers for the next few days.

3. While the baby sleeps, the sweat repeats!
Since we are on a strict schedule during the week from sun-up to sun-down, there isn't any time for me to workout before Ryan's bedtime. I am not a morning person when it comes to working out, so I have to do it in the evenings.  As soon as Ryan goes down, I hit a sweat session.  But lets be real, I am tired and ready to wind down myself.  So, I give myself 30 minutes to get one heck of a sweat session on.  I push with HIIT training through the treadmill or strength sessions and then get to relax at least an hour before I put myself to bed.  I have found that it is really important for me to workout during the week because it really helps me battle all of the stress.  I also take this as part of my "me" time.  I work all the stress off and feel much better afterwards.

4. You time.
While I may not get a lot of me time in on the weekdays and most weekends, Russell really tries hard to give me some time when he is home for me to have "me" time.  Even if it is him taking care of Ryan's bedtime routine so that I can relax on the couch, every little bit counts. And this is also where my schedule works for my benefit.  Since I have a strict nightly schedule and have quick (but effective) workouts, I get my very own wind-down time every evening to indulge in my reality tv.

5. Remember that it is all worth it in the end.  
It is easy to find myself so worn out by the end of the week (especially after a week where it seems all goes wrong).  Being a mom that doesn't get a lot of "me" time, I can sometimes get frustrated and I try really hard not to take it out on Russell.  He is not choosing to travel on the weekdays and study on the weekends for only his benefit.  It's for our family.  Once he finishes his MBA in August 2016, there is much more opportunity for him in his job that will ultimately help our family.  And while I am busy juggling everything at home I try and put myself in his place.  He is a working father who is away from his family a lot, that has to be hard on him too, and he is making a huge sacrifice being away from us.  It makes me love him even more.

Am I exhausted every day?  Yep, pretty much.  But I love my life, I love my husband, and I love our family.


Doggies, Diapers, and Grooming Fail

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Did you wear your green today? Ryan made sure he did!  I tried to take a good picture of him in his cute little "Good Luck Charm" outfit this morning but he has definitely morphed into the "I don't want to sit still for a picture" toddler.  But man, look at the difference in a year!


On a different note, I thought I would share a funny little story with you today to make you laugh.  There is not a dull moment in our home.

Our dog Buddy has been by our sides since May 2009.  Russell and I got him when we moved in together several months after college and he was a year old.  We say it every day, that he is our first born.   He isn't our pet, he is our son and up until 12/23/13, he was our spoiled only child.  When Ryan was born, I was worried how about how Buddy would react but he instantly became protective.  He would get a little jealous at first but he would still come and alert us when Ryan was crying and now Ryan adores Buddy and actually calls him "Bubba." (Instant heart melt.)

But I must warn you, Buddy is more like a human than dog when it comes to personality.   He has a temper tantrum and likes to show it every now and then, and he will cut his eyes at you.  No joke.  This dog will seriously roll his eyes and flat out ignore you and give you the side glance when he is ticked.  Which is why I am writing this post... to showcase temper tantrum Buddy and our accidental grooming fail.  

Buddy is mix, being half lab-half golden retriever.  He has a beautiful golden/reddish coat that everyone always comments on when we take him on walks.  Whenever we have ever taken him to the groomer, he never gets shaved, and only gets a bath, brush, nail clip, ear clean, etc.  Plus, I had always heard you should never shave a lab.  Since our move to Memphis, we have taken him to the same groomer for the last 2 1/2 years and have given the same grooming instructions every time.  

This past week, we dropped Buddy off to get groomed, with the same instructions, and when Ryan and I went to pick him up, Buddy came out COMPLETELY SHAVED.  I was shocked and at a loss for words.  His head looked gargantuan compared to the rest of him because they couldn't shave his head (think lion's mane).  Poor Ryan didn't even recognize his Bubba.  Obviously, the groomer apologized profusely and credited us (its not like she could glue his hair back) but it definitely made us think about switching groomers.

I felt so horrible for Buddy and tried to give him extra attention and cuddles all night but you could visibly see that he was upset and sad.  He was also so cold, poor thing, I felt like a total parent fail.  But, Buddy's sadness turned to toddler temper tantrum and by that next morning he was ticked.  I don't blame him, he didn't know it was an accident.  

Well that morning, I had emptied Ryan's diaper genie and tied the bag and put it at the door for me to take outside to the trashcan when I left for work but totally left in a hurry and forgot.  When I walked in the door with Ryan after work, there were EMPTY diaper carcasses all over the area.  It was like a war scene with diaper parts thrown everywhere but the worst of all was that the poo was gone!  Buddy, in a fit of rage ate the poo and threw the diaper pieces everywhere.  Now granted, at least I didn't have smeared poo to clean but come on man!  I honestly was baffled and immediately grossed out.  I got the silent treatment and rolled eyes from Buddy the rest of the night but I definitely kept a little distance from Mr. Poo Breath myself.  

While I have since gotten over the fact that my dog enjoyed eating my son's diapers, I have since decided Buddy's incident should be a part of those "dog shaming" photos you find on Pinterest.   You know, these:

So I have created my own: 

See his shaved body?!  Oh the joys of being a pet owner and a parent.  You definitely learn to stomach more than you ever thought you could.


Do you have any horror pet grooming stories or your own dog shaming story?  

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