I am bursting with excitement as we get so close and I am finding myself more and more anxious for the day to finally arrive.
Tomorrow we start the trek back home for a week for Thanksgiving. It has been 11 months since I have been back and it will be so nice to reunite with my family and friends one last time before baby Ryan starts making the trips back home. As much as I am excited, I know it will be a lot of running around making sure we get to see everyone so I am slightly nervous on how well I will do. I get exhausted just thinking about it. I feel blessed to have had a relatively easy pregnancy but this week the waddling, exhaustion, back pain, and more rib pain really hit me. (All of the non-glamours aspects of pregnancy). I know shuffling around will take its toll on me but I am hoping it won't be too bad and that everyone will forgive me for falling asleep on their couch while visiting them :)
This past weekend we did our maternity shoot and I am so happy at some of the proofs I have seen so far. I took a risk and did a few bare belly shots and I think they turned out very beautifully and classy. I know a lot of people feel weird at seeing a bare belly but they way I look at it is that if someone can post a bikini photo then I am going to embrace my beautiful belly and show everyone that side of pregnancy.
We also finished hanging all of our wall stuff in Ryan's nursery. His room will be 100% finished once his bedding arrives next week!
I am warning you that my post will be a few days late next week since I will be out of town so just bare with me :) More than likely I will post it next Sunday. Until then my friends, have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and soak of every minute with your families. I know I will!
XOXOX, Sherri
Survey says...
How far along?: 32 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: Up another 2lbs. To the people who all say you usually gain 1lb per week, I want to punch you, ha! Right now my average is 2 a week and I am not overloading/overeating at all. Sure I am eating a little more sweets than I would pre-preggo but nothing that would make me go crazy weight gain. I am starting to see a little more water retention though and I think that has a lot to do with it. Total = 28.5. ba-humbug.
Maternity clothes?: Ummm, yes. I am large and in charge right now. Too bad I can’t wear leggings and a t-shirt to work.
Sleep: Surprisingly well but I am requiring more hours/ZZZ’s.
Best moment of the week: Getting through the week so that I can FINALLY head home to VA for the first time in 11 months to visit with our family and friends. Now if only our 12-hour car ride will fly by….
Movement: All over the place. Went to the doc on Monday and she said he
has pushed another section of my rib cage out a little causing some bruising
again. The 12-hr car ride home on
Saturday for Thanksgiving vacation is going to be fun…Yippee…
Food Cravings: Milk! And Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches
Food Cravings: Milk! And Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches
Gender: Boy!
Belly Button: Russell actually laughed at my belly
button (or lack there of this week).
Still VERY flat and starting to look like it might make the move as an
outie soon.
Stretchmarks?: None
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach and no bruised ribs.
What I am looking forward to: Heading home Saturday for a week for our baby shower and Thanksgiving. After that, I am forbidden to travel the month of December.
Stretchmarks?: None
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach and no bruised ribs.
What I am looking forward to: Heading home Saturday for a week for our baby shower and Thanksgiving. After that, I am forbidden to travel the month of December.
Weekly Wisdom: Little man is averaging close to 4lbs and is gaining approximately .5lb a week and the size of a squash.
Milestones: I have officially reached the “waddle.”
Friday- Rest
Saturday-30 min VERY STEEP incline interval +
light weights working (arm, shoulder, legs, booty)
Sunday- Rest
Monday- 45min. treadmill cardio. Hill intervals.
Tuesday- 30min treadmill workout
45min. treadmill cardio. Hill intervals.
Thursday- 30 min walk on treadmill