
Survey Says: 15 weeks preggers

Thursday, July 25, 2013

So hard to believe that I will be 16 weeks along tomorrow and so close to the halfway mark.  The belly really popped for me this week.  As tiny as it is it definitely took on an even rounder shape sticking out far enough so that many people have started to notice.  Yay for that!  It is nice to be recognized for being "pregnant" and getting out of the in-between stage.

So here is this week's flashback:

Survey says...
Written Thursday, July 25th

How far along?: 15 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: .8lbs. from last week.  From my first weigh in at 6wks until now, I am up 2.8 lbs.  Not too bad considering if I only gain 1 lb a week from now til the end, I will be right in the range the doc wants me to be in.

Maternity clothes?:   I bought my first pair of leggings and work maternity pants last week and now I understand what all the hype is about.  So comfortable!  I did buy a few work dresses too that were on sale so the maternity clothes pile starts!  And an FYI… has A GREAT collection of maternity wear at a great price.  I am able to wear my normal pants with a belly band and my normal shirts are good for a little while too but getting just a tad uncomfortable.  Is it sad to say I could see myself wearing my SUPER comfy maternity leggings forever!  I don’t want to part.

Sleep:  I have had a ton of growing pains this week so sleep is 50/50.

Best moment of the week: Someone at work noticing the baby bump!  I am finally getting there J  Since last week I have popped a lot more.

Movement: Not yet.  They say there is a possibility to start feeling little flutters between 16-20 weeks so I CAN’T WAIT!  The real kicks, that Russell will be able to fee, won’t start until a little later.

Food Cravings:  I was all over the place this week.  I wanted fruit, anything chips, and Italian sausage (so freaking weird).  Oh and I had been eating BLT’s like it’s my job for the past 2 weeks.

Gender:   Man now I am thinking BOY.  I just need to stop.  

 Belly Button: Still in J

Stretchmarks?:  No but the growing pains and stretching are making me itchy.  I was told not to scratch my belly or it will cause marks.  Anyone know if this is true? 

What I miss:  Summer salads with blue cheese on it.  Can’t have the blue cheese according to the “no no” list from the doc because it is an unpasteurized cheese.

What I am looking forward to: Usually you can find out the gender between 16-20 weeks and I have an appt at 16 weeks on Monday but the doc said I probably won’t find out until my next appt at 20 weeks.  (Deep down I am hoping that they get a clear shot on Monday and we can know already)  This momma is getting impatient. 

Weekly Wisdom:  Little babe is the size of an apple J  And babe is starting to move his/her face muscles and grimace and wince!  And their tiny organs and nerves are starting to function.

Milestones:  Finally getting a “noticeable” bump.  I am creeping out of that “man she let herself go” phase.

Survey Says: 14 weeks preggers

Thursday, July 18, 2013

This week was a rough one for me.  There was sooo much stretching and cramping going on in this petite body that I did, for a moment, question if my baby was going to be HUGE.  I find it fascinating the changes a woman's body goes through during a pregnancy and am a little freaked out yet excited to see my changes as they come over the next 5 1/2 more months.

Also, I need your help.  Russell and I start the daycare hunt in the next few weeks.  What are awesome questions I must not forget to ask?!

Survey says...

Written Thursday, July 18th

How far along?: 14 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I am up only .2 lbs…which means my walking and light weights are helping counteract my not so healthy eating habits.  Look by all means, I am not afraid to pack on the pregnancy lbs but I want to do it at a normal rate and maintain some level of activity for a possibly easier rebound/recovery.

Maternity clothes?:   My work clothes are almost non-wearable at this point but I am still holding out.  I did by 2 maternity dresses I could wear to work that are less structured than my other non-belly dresses.  My weekend clothes are still okay however….lots of loose t-shirts and tanks so I can wear my belly band around my non button or zipable shorts.

Sleep: Better than last week which makes me one happy momma.

Best moment of the week:  Taking a record breaking 3 ½ hour nap this weekend.  Never have I ever napped that long and it was GLORIOUS.

 Movement: Not yet.

Food Cravings: BLT’s and my squash recipe I make.  Squash and BLT’s have been my lunch all week long.  STILL find the idea of eating at Bonefish disgusting and can’t stand the smell of meat cooking…which means I don’t end up really eating a lot of meat still.

Gender: I had a beautiful dream that I was nursing a baby girl.  And she was breathtaking.  Now we shall see if that is true on my 20wk appt.

Belly Button: Still in.

Stretchmarks?:  Nope.  My plan is working!  But my belly has been itching with all the stretching lately…someone told me not to scratch bc it would create stretch marks…is this true?  Or is that just a myth?

What I miss:  I had a craving this week for country ham and got sad because I realized I couldn’t have it because it was on my no no list from the doctor for:  Don’t eat deli meat

What I am looking forward to: Can I please fast forward the next 5 ½ weeks so I know if it’s a boy or girl!?!   I will be happy either way but reallllllly want to know already to buy some stuff

Weekly Wisdom:   Little babe is the size of a lemon and already learning to suck his/her thumb and wiggle their little itty bitty toes. 

Milestones: Regaining some energy back to fit in more walks and light weight training… oh and officially buying my first items in maternity clothing.

XOXOX, Sherri

Survey Says: 13 weeks preggers

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Survey says...

Written Thursday, July 11th

How far along?: 13 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I have been eating kinda bad lately so I didn’t want to check.  I need to get back on my more healthy food than none kick asap.

Maternity clothes?: Belly Band is being used on all pants/skirts but my work dresses are getting slimmer and slimmer to choose from.  Looks like I may have only a few more weeks in work dresses before some purchases will have to be made because it seems like I am getting more and more uncomfortable in all of my normal clothes except t-shirts and summer weekend (not work) dresses.

Sleep: Half and half.  Tossing and turning through the night and up multiple times to potty…some days I fall back to sleep easily… and others….not so much.

Best moment of the week: Didn’t really have one.  I had really poor sleep and mood swings like whoa so the week just felt like it would never end.

Movement: Nothing but shouldn’t have too much longer before I can feel little babe.

Food Cravings: No MAJOR craving this week.  Still like the hot fries, still like pickles but not eating them every single day like I was.  I have been eating lots of watermelon lately and wanting more fruits than usual.

Gender: I still think girl.

Belly Button: Still in.

Stretchmarks?:  Nope.  And I hope it stays like that forever!

What I miss:  Getting really nice deep sleeps all the time…baby already has me practicing restless nights.

What I am looking forward to: A few vacation days next month and September.  I am really needing some days off and some fun!

Weekly Wisdom: Little babe is the size of a peach and his/her teeny body is finally catching up to their head J

Milestones: Starting to actually look a little pregnant in some clothes.  Hey that is a milestone for me because the “honey did you eat too much” wasn’t working.

Survey Says: 12 weeks preggers

Friday, July 5, 2013

I hope everyone had a fan-tabulous 4th of July!  It was so nice to have a day off and eat some grilled hotdogs (see my craving below) and get a little bit of sun on this paleness!  Today I am officially 13 weeks and baby is doing so well.  I know I owed you this post yesterday but come on...I needed a vacay day from everything, even the cyber world :)  So without futher ado here ya go!

Survey says...

Written Thursday, July 4th

How far along?: 12 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Same as 2 weeks ago…only up 2 lbs.

Maternity clothes?:  Not just yet.  The belly band is in use EVERY DAY if I am wearing pants or a skirt.  Fortunately, I think the summer flowy dresses will help me hold out on purchasing more maternity until closer to fall.  (I am hoping.) 

Sleep: Pretty good but starting to get more uncomfortable and lots of toss and turning.

Best moment of the week: Seeing little babe in an ultrasound on Tuesday for some testing.  Little booger is getting big J

Movement: Not yet but I am feeling some MAJOR round ligament pains this week in my right side.  Great because the baby is growing, but man they can be a Debbie downer every now and then.

Food Cravings: Chester’s Hot Fries.  And I think since it is 4th of July this week my body has decided it really wants a hotdog or hamburger on the grill like whoa.

Gender: Now I am thinking girl….man these head games!

 Belly Button: Still in.

Stretchmarks?:  Nope.

What I miss:  Being able to button my pants and not being exhausted all the time.  I am hoping the 2nd trimester is a little nicer to me in the exhaustion department.

What I am looking forward to: I am ready to get out of the “have you gained a little weight” stage to “oh look, you’re pregnant” stage.

Weekly Wisdom: Little babe is the size of a plum and his/her reflexes have started to kick in so there is tons of practice in there to really kick momma’s butt when they get a teeny bit bigger.

Milestones: First Trimester OUT!  

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My how you have grown :)  The entire ultrasound little babe decided to use both of its feet and spring board off of me.  They are already so considerate.  Haha.

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